Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

"Wing and a Prayer" is the twelfth mission of Season 10. The player takes on the role of Quinzi for this mission.

With a cure for Maxine on the way, all that's needed in Venice is a distraction. But with a bounty on your heads and the plague spreading, it might prove more dangerous than you imagined!




Decoy Duty
Mo has returned to Venice with a cure for Maxine supplied by ANNIE. But it needs a fresh sample of Five's blood and Valmont has put out a reward for Sam and Five's capture. Mo notices that you're a little flushed. Frances arrives with supplies – costumes to throw off those hunting Sam and Five. You and Frances will act as decoys. Go!

Smoke Bomb
You're on a roof and can see a gang of Gondoliers. They look ill. Mo complains about a rotten scent from the canal, but Frances says it always smells rotten. Sam and Five are near the city's edge and will be discovered soon if you don't provide a distraction. You jump down into the courtyard and set off a smoke bomb to draw attention.

Burst of Speed
The Gondoliers are chasing you but you've not seen the Mala. Mo says they have focused their forces near the causeway but if you head left, you'll surprise their reserve forces who may call their allies. You draw their attention. Put on a burst of speed!

Magpie Territory
You have about fifty people tailing you, and they have guns! You need to wrap this up. The Magpies are waiting with the equipment where you once robbed the patriarch of Venice! You smell that awful scent and the gangs are approaching. You and Frances get pulled up to the rooftops with a harness and now you can escape across the roofs. Frances knows that the sickness is more than physical and she knows it's in your head. The Gondoliers are using their poles to vault onto the roof. Run!

Running Out of Time
The roofs are not well cared for, and the Gondoliers and Mala seem to be cooperating. Mo can't see a way for you to evade them. If you head to San Pietro island, you might be able to destroy the bridges and trap your pursuers for a while. You'll have to ditch your costumes once there but it might work.

Our Only Hope
The island is ahead. You climb the bell tower and Frances recognizes that awful smell – it's fungal accelerant! The gangsters are crossing the bridge, but they suddenly stop, frozen in place... like you. Moving like zombies... until you fall... Frances can see you climbing onto the bridge to join the herd of people. It's the entire city! Please hold on Quinzi!


MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: How strange to be back in Venice, Quinzi. When I left here in search of Maxine’s mysterious benefactor, I little expected to find ANNIE. I’m told she has been a…a deadly foe to my friends. But as she promised Maxine, when supplied with the source of the plague, she was able to create a cure. You have told Quinzi how sick Maxine has become. Now we can save her, but only if we can clear the path into the city for Sam and Five. The cure that ANNIE supplied will only work in conjunction with a fresh supply of Five’s blood. And Valmont has offered an irresistible reward for Sam and Five’s capture. So it falls to us to clear a path for them. Maxine’s fate, the fate of the entire city hangs on us.

But I must ask, are you yourself well enough, Quinzi? [audio gradually fades] Francis told me you insisted on giving your share of the purified water to her when it ran low. And as we know, the plague is carried in water. I notice your movements are a bit stiffer. Your face flushed. [audio quality returns to normal] But ah, here is Miss Dempsey now.

[crows caw]

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Mo! You’re back. And safe. Oh, we were so worried. So, this is your, like, thieves’ lair, Quinzi, the roost. I didn’t think I’d ever see it. You and the Magpies have been so cagey about it. It’s a nice setup. A little shack on the roof of the art museum. What an amazing view.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Were you able to fetch everything we need, Francis?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Yes. Yes, of course. Here. [rustle] Do you really think this is going to work?

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: It must, with Maxine deteriorating so fast. Alas, Valmont knows that Five and Sam are free. Their images have been circulated and every gang in Venice is on the lookout. The Mala and the Gondoliers at their forefront. Whoever captures them has been promised a cure as their reward. And everyone in the city is sick. We must provide a distraction for Sam and Five.

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: I still can’t believe they were waiting for you at the bottom of Mont Blanc. Or that we’ve been working for ANNIE, who sort of hates Valmont now. Imagine being so awful, even the computer you built to love you can’t stand you.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Do you have the costumes?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Yes. Sorry, here. [zipping] An orange jumper for me that almost looks like Sam’s hoodie [rustle of clothes] and a windbreaker for you, Quinzi. I painted a neon number 5 on the back. It’s kind of like Five’s runner’s uniform. Kind of, like my sister’s too. Alice used to wear it first.

[rustling of clothes, zipping]

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Congratulations, Quinzi. You’ll now pass for the most hunted person in Europe. If no one looks too closely. I will remain here and collect intelligence from the Magpies. They tell me the Mala are aware that Sam and Five are close. In this pale dawn light, your disguises will be most effective. Francis, Quinzi, your role as decoys begins. Out, across the rooftops! Run!


[flowing water]

FRANCIS DEMPSEY:  Ok, Mo, Quinzi has led me across the Grand Canal to a building next to an old hotel on the canals’ mouth. We’re in its roof, and we can see a gang of Gondoliers huddled in the hotel’s little courtyard. There are... 5 of them.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: How odd to imagine them removed from their vessels and their command of the daylight waters. Do they look nervous, or prepared for battle?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: They look… sick, actually. There’s hardly anyone left in the city who doesn’t. A few are leaning on their oars and a couple just covered in the buboes.


MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Ah, I could almost pity them if they weren’t trying to capture our friends, capture them and turn them over to a megalomaniac in hopes of receiving a cure for the plague he himself is responsible for. Heartbreaking state of affairs. Ah, that’s peculiar. Can you smell that? Where are you? Something… rotten, wafting up from the canals? It’s so strong; I can smell it even from this height.

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: The canals always smell rotten, Mo. Did your time in the fresh Alpine air re-sensitize your nose?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: No, this is different. More aromatic and foul. [sniffs] But no matter, I’m receiving near- constant updates from your scouts, Quinzi. Sam and Five are near the city’s edge with the cure. They remain hidden, but they’ll be discovered soon if we can’t provide a distraction. Are you ready to begin the chase, Francis?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Yes, I think so. We can leap down into the courtyard and get the Gondoliers’ attention, then lead them into the center of the city, away from Sam and Five.

[music, rushing water, Francis becomes muffled]

You ready, Quinzi? Quinzi?

[Francis’s audio becomes clear]

Quinzi. We need to go. Mo, we’re jumping down in 3..2..1.

GONDALIER GANSTER: Guarda, eccolo!

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Now, Five. The smoke grenade.

[bang, hissing]

This cloud of smoke means they can see us, but not well. Should sell our false identities. Ready to run, Five? Let’s go.


[footsteps, water rushing]

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Mo, we have the Gondoliers in hand. We can keep them focused on us for as long as we need to. They’re on foot and in their boats. Maybe… a dozen or two? We’re well ahead of them. They’re so slow. Those oars slung over their shoulders can’t be helping.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: That sounds like excellent news, Francis.

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: But we haven’t seen any sign of the Mala. We need to get everyone following us if they’re going to get Five and Sam safely.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Ah, a Magpie sweeps in on the feted breeze. A new intelligence: the Mala have focused their forces near the old causeway, watching for Sam and Five in that direction. But a reserve force of gangsters lies in wake in the square of 100 meters to your left. If you were to surprise them, perhaps they’d call their allies from the causeway to pursue you.

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Yes, come on, Quinzi. You go in front so they can see the ‘5’ on your shirt. Where are they? Where are they? Oh, I can see them just below us. But they haven’t seen us. They’re not watching the roofs.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Can you attract their attention?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY:  Oh, no, Five, I can see the Mala. We have to get away.

MALA GANSGTER: Lassù li vedo! [yipping]

That got their attention. So now we’ve got the Mala and the Gondoliers chasing us, which is quite a lot of scary people. Come on, Quinzi! Final burst of speed.


[yipping, whooping]

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: The Mala aren’t giving up, which is good. We need them chasing us and not waiting for Sam and Five. Between them and the Gondoliers, we’ve been collecting, we must have close to 50 gangsters trailing us? [multiple gunshots] And they’ve got guns. Good thing the Mala are still wearing those carnival masks. It must affect their aim. Still, if they’ve started shooting, I think it’s time to wrap this up. It’s getting really light. If we don’t disappear before sunrise, they’ll realize they’ve been duped. Mo, do the magpies have our exit ready?

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Yes. They said to tell Quinzi they’re waiting with the equipment just west of the arsenal in the alley where…where Quinzi once robbed the patriarch of Venice?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY:  Quinzi, a holy man? [laughs] And then, just a shrug. Oh, you have a Five are so alike. Both so cool under pressure. Not like me at all. Is that the right alley over there? We’ll have to be really quick. They’re almost on us. Ok, Mo, we’re in the alley. [ropes pulling] Quinzi’s pulling some ropes from behind a column. Oh, what’s that smell?

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: You’re smelling it now, too. It’s ...a green smell, somehow. And also rotten. The smell of death becoming life.

MALA GANGSTER: Dead end, Runner Five. [coughs] Don’t move. Valmont wants you alive. [coughs] But we still get the cure if you die.


FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Oh, I see a Magpie up on the roof. They’re throwing a harness?[ clicking of metal] Quinzi, how do we put this on? [Francis becomes muffled, music,] Quinzi, the harness. Can you hear me? [audio becomes normal] Oh, it goes over your shoulders. Here. Hold on tight. [ropes pulling, gunshots] Mo, we’re flying straight up! Quinzi’s holding on to me and and we’re… [thud]  Oof, we’re on the roof. Thanks for helping me up, Quinzi. Those winches your magpies planted are wonderful but they don’t make for a comfy landing. Ooh, better put up the rope to stop them following. Now just a quick trot across the roofs and we should lose them.

That Mala gangster really did look sick, though, didn’t he? And the others, all of them., At the edges of their masks, you could see their veins, crawling and pulsing green. This city’s getting bad, Quinzi. I know you’d never ask for help, but if it’s starting to affect you too, I know it’s not just a physical sickness. There’s a fungus involved in it somehow. Not the red god, but something like it. That means it’s in your head as well as your body. I know what that feels like. Wait, is that Gondolier running down the alley right at this building?

[Gondolier groaning, splat, gunshots]

Well, Oh no, you. They’re using their oars to pole vault up here. I thought we’d lost them. We have to get away. Quinzi, there must be a rooftop path we can take. This is the Magpies’ territory. Just run.


FRANCIS DEMPSEY: [sighs] Ok, Mo. Even with that awful oar trick, Quinzi is keeping ahead of them. We’re faster here on the roofs than they are .Well, Quinzi is. [sighs] These red towers are beautiful, but I don’t think anyone’s really been caring for them since Z-day. I’ve almost put my foot through a roof like four times? The Gondoliers up here are coordinating with their friends on the ground though. And apparently the Mala too. Hooray for cooperation. I suppose the good news is, they still believe our costumes. I think every single gangster in this city is following us.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: My friends,  Quinzi, your scouts and I are pouring over the map, racking our brains. But we can find no way for you to evade them. Perhaps it is the moment to remove your disguises and end the chase.

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: No, no. There might still be time for them to catch Sam and Five if they realize we’ve been tricking them. Think, Francis, think. We need somewhere to trap the gangs. And ideally, we need to be able to get away afterwards. Oh, oh, I’ve got an idea. Mo, all these islands. Are there any near us that have only one or two bridges? Oh, never mind. Quinzi’s pointing east of us.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Ah, ah, yes I understand where Quinzi is leading you. The island of San Pietro. You should be able to see the sun glinting of the dome of its basilica. There are only two bridges leading onto the island. Francis, what are you thinking?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Quinzi, if your magpies could blow the bridges after the hunters follow us onto the island, then they’d be trapped, right? Ah, no, that’s stupid. The Gondoliers could just ferry them off.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: It’s a good plan, Francis. It might provide Sam and Five the time they need to get to Maxine. However, wouldn’t you be trapped on the island with them?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: But like he said, if we ditch our costumes, we can pass as normal citizens. We’ll just need to get out of sight. Maybe if we climb the basilica, that will buy us time to change. Then Quinzi can, like, whizz us down the outside of one of those rope thingies. We’ll be clear. And would have bought Sam and Five enough time to reach Maxine’s hideout. That’s all that matters.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: I don’t like this, Francis. Too much could go wrong, but I must admit that I also see no other option.

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: Mo, we’re running out of time. We have to act now. Get those Magpie bombs moving, please. Take out those bridges. And Quinzi? [deep breath] Let’s run, yeah?


[crowd noises]

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: We’re out of rooftop Quinzi. The Mala and the Gondoliers are right behind us and the island we want is just ahead. I think it’s time for the final act. There’s a balcony here. We can jump down from it to the ground. [thud] Let’s go, Runner Five. If we make it to our base on San Pietro de Castillo, they’ll never catch us. Just a straight shot over the bridge. Then up to the top of the bell tower. We can rope slide down the back where we’re out of sight. Quinzi, kicked down the bell tower door.  [wood breaking] Quickly, up! [stomping footsteps] Ok, now for a way out of here. Can you tie off a rope to that balustrade? [rope pulling] Will it hold? Oh, that smell is here too. What did you say, Mo? Death becoming life. I would have just said, you know, rotten vegetables, like, veg left too long in the fridge like.. oh, like celery!  Oh, god, that smell! It’s fungal accelerant. Or like, a decayed version of it. Valmont’s growing fungus here. We saw it in the fact that was the [Francis becomes muffled, music] source of the plague. And now he’s simply charging it.

[audio quality becomes normal]

Quinzi, stay with me. Mo, we’re at the top of the tower. You’d like the sunrise, sprinkling over the water below us. The first gangsters are almost over the bridge. The ones in the back are practically staggering. Come on, come on! Cross the bridges so we can blow them up. [Francis becomes muffled, music] Wait, why are they stopping? Quinzi, what am I doing? [audio quality becomes normal]

Quinzi, what are you doing?

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Francis, what’s happening?

FRANCIS DEMPSEY: They’ve all stopped, right at the bridge. And Quinzi is just frozen in place. Oh no, the gangsters; they’re all turning around. They must have figured out we’re not Five and Sam, but why are they moving so slowly? They’re lurching, like… like.. zoms. Quinzi. Quinzi!  Get away from the edge.  Mo, I think Quinzi’s going to jump.

[rushing wind, splash]

Quinzi! Quinzi! Do you copy? I saw you hit the water. [splashing] Quinzi, are you okay there? Oh, I see Quinzi climbing up onto the bridge, joining the herd of people. Mo, what just happened? They’re all shuffling back towards the city. Mo!

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: It’s happening here too, Francis.  The Magpies are flocking from the roost in droves. Residents are lurching out of their homes. Crowds are blocking the alley outside. I can’t get past. I don’t know what this fervor is, but Quinzi, my dear friend, if you can hear me, please hold on. Sam and Five are coming. They will save us all. They must. It seems from now they are [Mo becomes muffled] our only hope.




The following supplies can be found in this mission.

(List may be incomplete.)

Bandages Bandages
Batteries Batteries
Book Book
Makeup Makeup
Shirt Shirt

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