Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

Steve Sissay (aka The Builder) is a demolitions expert who works for the Ministry of Recovery.



Steve was contracted for the Department of Defense before the apocalypse, when Sigrid Hakkinen was the permanent Private Secretary. Sigrid relied on him for "off the books" operations when she needed plausible deniability.[1]

Early Apocalypse[]

Steve believes he was Sigrid's first call on Day Zero.[1]

Steve and Amelia journey to Cardiff a year before Season 4 to secure radio communications and signal blocking equipment out of a government facility. It is implied they had a tryst, as Amelia states that the only things she likes about Steve are his high explosives, his upper arms, and "that thing [he] did in Cardiff."[1]

Season Four[]

The Ministry sends Steve to assist Abel Township after Veronica McShell is abducted and taken to Battenbury. Steve meets up with Runner Five outside of the town walls. He tells them he needs them to do everything he says and threatens them with his gun, provoking Sam's ire. Steve tries to sweet-talk Sam to calm him down. Maxine asks Steve how he's going to find Veronica in the town, and Steve says they've got a paid volunteer in a helicopter. On cue, Amelia chimes in to say she can see a single warm body on her infrared camera. With this information, Janine realizes that Veronica's captor is not a living person - it's a zombie.[2]

Steve heads into Battenbury alongside Runner Five and several other Abel runners. The runners lure most of the zombies into a building and Steve sets off some explosives, destroying the building and the zombies. Runner Five goes to extract Veronica from the building she is trapped in, but Veronica protests, insisting that they need to bring her zombie captor with them as he is a vital research subject. Instead, Steve shoots the zombie. When Veronica begins berating him, he says that he was under orders to do so - although the Minister of Recovery, Sigrid, immediately speaks up over the comms and says that those were not her orders. She tells them all to get out, as the Ministry is about to bomb Battenbury. Once everyone is safe, Steve heads back to report to the Minister.[3]

Steve is appointed to be New Canton's head of security.[4]

The Ministry sends Steve to help Abel's team investigate reports of more semi-sentient zombies. They track down the pair, and when one of them wanders off Steve and Five follow it. Sam warns them that there's a woman with a grenade nearby. The blast takes out the zombie, and Steve sees that the woman is Amelia Spens. She hops on a moped and Steve and Five chase after her. They follow her into a factory that doubles as an old Netrophil hideout, where she explains that she killed the semi-sentient zombie in order to increase the value of a different semi-sentient zombie which she has been tracking herself. She jams Steve and Five's headsets, turns off the cameras in the area, then speeds off to destroy the second zombie. Steve and Five make it back to Janine and Veronica in time to warn them, but Amelia still manages to kill the second zombie with another grenade. Janine punches Amelia unconscious. Veronica is greatly disappointed by the loss of a live specimen, but Steve points out the zombies' possessions may still contain valuable information about them. Steve and Five find a notebook containing poetry, and Veronica is thrilled because it contains the name of the zombie as well as the address where she used to live. With the mission complete, Steve heads back to New Canton.[1]

Steve talks to Bernard Prior, a member of New Canton's Permanent Advisory Council. Steve advises Bernard to get in touch with his inner anger.[5]

Steve encounters Runner Five and Owen Landis as they come to retrieve the baby Victoria Benz from her house after receiving a distress call. Sam and Owen are suspicious of why he is there, especially since the baby's father, Victor, is found recently dead in the house with a bullet hole in his head. Steve claims that Victor was a member of Netrophil and they killed him to prevent him from betraying them to the Ministry. Steve takes the baby from the two Abel runners and brings her back to the Ministry, saying that they have a rehousing program for infants.[6]

Steve is interested in Dr. Lobatse, but she quickly turns cold when she realizes Steve was a mercenary in Sudan.

Season Five[]

Season Six[]

Season Seven[]

Season Ten[]


Steve is usually very calm and levelheaded. He frequently sweet-talks people to try and win them over, sometimes including some light flirtation. Steve loves explosives and explosions, and is always looking for a good chance to use them.

Steve has a history of double-crossing people, but he does feel regret when his actions cause harm to people he cares about. In particular, he cares deeply for Dr. Lobatse and is genuinely ashamed when his actions (both past and present) create a rift between the two of them.


Kefilwe Lobatse[]

Sigrid Hakkinen[]

Amelia Spens[]

Janine de Luca[]

Runner Five[]


Season 10

New Adventures[]


  • Alternate universe versions of Steve appear in several New Adventures.
    • Commander Steven Sissay is sent to investigate a space colony that has gone dark in Venus Rising.


Letters from Steve[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Season 4 Mission 4: Super Bass
  2. Season 4 Mission 1: Pound The Alarm
  3. Season 4 Mission 2: We Built This City
  4. Sam Yao: "Also, the Ministry are sending some help. He’ll meet you en route."
    Janine de Luca: "Oh, please not the Builder."
    Veronica McShell: "It won’t be him, will it? He’s working for New Canton now, head of security!"
  5. Season 4 Mission 5: Better The Devil You Know
  6. Season 4 Mission 7: Does Your Mother Know