Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

Simon Lauchlan is Abel Township's Runner 3. Before the outbreak, he was the owner-operator of a chain of gyms and something of a fitness fanatic, which served him well following the apocalypse.



Simon was raised by his grandmother, who was a very devout Catholic and expected Judgement Day to come at any moment.[1]

Simon went to Catholic school.[2]

Due to his grandmother's stories about what hell and the apocalypse would be like, Simon began working out regularly.[1]

Simon won a 10K fun run at school.[1]

Simon took a cycling proficiency test and aced the slalom.[3]

Simon practiced yoga for twelve years.[2]

Simon was the owner-operator for all five Fitness Factory gym outlets in the region.[1]

It is strongly implied that Simon developed some type of cancer prior to the apocalypse.[4]

Early Apocalypse[]

Simon and Runner Seven once sheltered from zombies on top of the pavilion in Digitisde Park.[5]

Season One[]

Simon is sent out to distract the zombies after Abel's gates get jammed open.[6]

As New Canton launches a raid against Abel, Simon heads east with a noisemaker to keep the zombies away.[7]

As a huge horde of zombies approaches Abel, Simon leads a portion of them away with a noisemaker. He runs to Digitisde Park and climbs atop the pavilion. Forty zoms surround the bottom, trying to get up at him, but fail.[8]

Season Two[]

The following section contains spoilers for the end of Season 2. [skip section]

At some point Simon makes contact with Professor Van Ark and agrees to be his spy inside of Abel in exchange for receiving Van Ark's experimental immortality treatments.[9]

End of spoiler section.

Simon brings Runner Seven's dog Bonnie out on a run when he and Runners Four and Five are testing an anti-zombie serum for Doctor Myers. Bonnie manages to get away and the runners chase after her. Runner Four reminds Simon that Seven gave him a dog whistle. Simon pulls it out and blows it, and Bonnie returns to him. In the process, they are surprised to learn that the zombies can be directed with the sound of the dog whistle as well.[10]

Simon and Runner Five go searching for survivors of the attack on Abel. Eugene is on comms and is very insistent that they search the riverbed - the reason for which becomes clear when they find one of Jack's shoes as well as his broken and bloodied cricket bat. Simon and Five follow the trail and meet Powell, a man who lives in a house nearby and claims to have saved Jack from the zombies. Powell leads them to the house and, sure enough, Jack is there. Eugene repeatedly urges Simon to let him talk to Jack, so Five gives Jack their headset to let them speak with each other. Bella Ramsay, another resident of the house, invites Simon and Five inside to rest.[11]

After spending the night at Birkmyre Estate, Simon, Five, and Jack help Powell and Bella to trap more zombies. Simon and Bella get into some trouble and have to fire a gun to protect themselves. The sound of the gunshot rings out through the trees, attracting a horde of zombies. Everyone retreats back inside of the Birkmyre Estate.[12]

Simon helps to barricade the building, but there are enough zombies that he knows they'll break through eventually. He radios Abel for help and they send out some runners with noisemakers, but they might not make it in time. Bella and Powell both try to convince Beatrix that it's time to leave, but she still refuses. As the zombies start to break through, Bella finally gets fed up and knocks Beatrix out. Simon offers to carry the unconscious woman and Powell leads the group out through a hidden tunnel. Once they're out, they all head back to Abel together.[13]

Simon and Five are assigned to escort Abel's delegates for the New Canton/Abel peace summit. Simon flirts with Janine over comms and manages to draw a rare laugh out of her. The runners spot some fast zombies heading towards one of the vans, but unfortunately fast zombies are immune to noisemakers. Maxine meets the runners in the field to deliver her updated anti-zombie formula - now available in spray form! The spray does slow down the zombies, but not a lot. Luckily Archie and her ex-boyfriend Pieter arrive to help out, and they manage to distract the zoms long enough for the delegates to reach their destination safely.[14]

A building collapses along the eastern route from Abel to the city, so Simon and Five head that way to clear out any of the resulting zombies. Simon turns it into a game and explains to Five how the zombies are worth a certain amount of points based on what kind of zombie it is and how you kill it. Sam protests, reminding them that zombies are still a serious threat, but Maxine chimes in and encourages Simon to get more points so that they can win this month's prize: a bottle of whiskey.[15]

Simon is out chopping wood with Jody and Runner Five when Janine radios them to say that there's been a distress call from a beached ship. The three of them head down to the coast and climb aboard the ship, which they discover is absolutely infested with zombies. They end up trapped between two hordes, only to be rescued by someone unexpected: Runner Eight, Sara Smith.[16]

Sara leads Simon and the others to the bridge, where the remaining survivors of the Aurora are waiting. They successfully evacuate the survivors, then return for the supplies still onboard. Simon and Jody head towards the forward compartments and collect a haul of electronics and medicine. Sam warns them that Five and Sara have discovered a fuel leak in the hold, so they quickly get off the ship. When everyone is clear, the captain throws a lit flare onto the deck, causing a fuel explosion that destroys the ship. Simon and the others lead the suvivors back to Abel.[17]

At some point Simon and Archie have a pretend luau with flame-roasted SPAM.[18]

Simon requests some country music when Jody and Five are sent out to a CD shop.[19]

Simon is part of a large group of runners acting as decoys to allow Runner Five and Archie to sneak into one of Van Ark's secret bases.[20]

The following section contains spoilers for the end of Season 2. [skip section]

Simon tells Van Ark about the decoy plan. This results in Van Ark capturing and killing Archie, something that Simon feels terribly guilty for.[21]

End of spoiler section.

Abel is evacuated due to a dangerous chemical spill. Simon, Five, and Sara are sent towards Dedlock territory to pick up the ingredients Janine needs to create a sealant. Along the way, the others notice that Simon seems uncharacteristically downhearted. Sara correctly guesses that Simon is sad because of Archie's death. Simon lashes out at Sam, blaming him for getting Archie killed, before calming a bit and blaming everyone, including himself. He voices some pessimistic thoughts about the hopelessness of their lives, wondering when they can just give up. As they approach the target location, the Dedlock snipers begin shooting at them. Simon splits off from the group to deal with them, even though Sara warns him that they'll kill him for sure. Simon manages to punch out one of the snipers, although his headset is damaged in the process. He is able to distract the Dedlocks long enough for Five and Sara to find the supplies, then escapes and contacts Sam via an old ham radio to let him know he's okay.[22]

While Jamie joins Five and Sara to help with the chemical spill, Simon watches Jamie's kids for him. He entertains them by singing ABBA.[23]

During the Abel Township Games, Simon participates in the "supply collection slalom". He comes in second place, beating Roman and Cameo Wood but losing to Jody.[24]

Simon also competes in the final event, which involves taking down "zombies" (actually just sacks filled with straw and suspended by rope). Rather than attacking the "zombies" directly, Simon decides to use garden shears to just dismantle the arena. This enrages Ed, who built the arena in the first place. Needless to say, Simon does not win.[25]

As Van Ark's army of fast zombies approaches Abel Township, Simon and fourteen other Abel runners head out to meet them, armed with Maxine's anti-zombie spray. Unfortunately, Maxine didn't have time to test this batch and it ends up making the fast zombies faster. Sam tells them to retreat, but then reinforcements arrive from New Canton. In addition, the anti-zombie spray soon takes effect and begins killing the zombies. With the army defeated, Major de Santa gives a triumphant speech.[26]

Simon participates in the memorial service for Runners Five, Six, Ten, and Seventeen in the Forest of Fallen Runners. The ceremony is interrupted by the early arrival of a ship carrying essential fuel, so Simon and the other runners head off to help unload it.[27]

After the fuel drums are loaded on a train headed to Bert Airfield, Simon, Jody, Five, and Sara run alongside it to make sure the tracks are cleared. A horde of zombies appears in front of the train, enough that Sam is worried the train might be derailed if it hits them. The runners split up to lure the zombies away: Simon and Jody go one way, while Five and Sara go the other.[28]

Simon and Five head to Holmes Settlement to see why they haven't been heard from for a while. They discover that the settlement is mysteriously abandoned, like everyone just vanished into thin air. They run into Jamie, who is there looking for his two runaway kids, Carena and Jasper. In a barn, they find the missing reidents - all zombified. While fleeing the zombies, they head to the local school where they find Carena still alive - but Jasper and the other kids are all zombies too. They use the anti-zombie spray to kill the zombies. But then Carena starts choking and struggling to breathe.[29]

Simon, Five, and Jamie rush back to Abel as fast as they can. Jamie thinks Carena is having an asthma attack, but after Maxine examines her she says it's more like a severe allergic reaction. Just then, Major de Santa comes into the comms shack and demands that Sam switch to a secure channel. The Major says that she suspected the anti-zombie spray might have side effects on children. Jamie says they have to stop using the spray then, but the Major says that isn't his call to make and orders everyone to remain quiet about this or face the consequences.[30]

The following section contains spoilers for the end of Season 2. [skip section]

Simon makes contact with the person running Fenton Marsh prison and tells them about the anti-zombie spray, as well as telling them when Abel will be half-empty.[31]

End of spoiler section.

Simon and Five are out testing the anti-zombie spray in an area with no children when they are ambushed by bandits. Their comms cut out, possibly due to a jamming device the bandits have. Simon and Five run back to Abel, where Janine says she can't let them in, so Sam "accidentally" hits the gate switch. Simon and Five make it inside, but so do the bandits, who begin ransacking Abel. Janine gets injured and captured by the bandit leader, who threatens to kill Janine if they don't give her the anti-zombie spray. Jack and Eugene take a barrel of it to her while Simon and Five get to work sabotaging the bandits' escape route. Simon is clearly worried about Janine and repeatedly asks Sam about her condition. After getting the barrel of spray, the bandit leader lets Janine go, and Simon and Five manage to retrieve the barrel before the bandits escape, but Maxine mentions that some of the notes are missing from her lab.[32]

Simon begins helping Maxine out in her lab.[33]

As Runner Five is returning from Van Ark's lab, Simon is sent out with weapons to meet them. He doesn't recognize Five at first and begins shooting at them - but luckily his aim is bad and all the shots miss.[34]

Maxine sends Simon and Five out to search for a treadmill to use in her experiments. Simon takes this opportunity to visit all the nearby Fitness Factory outlets in search of multivitamins, supplements, and protein powder.[1]

Simon, Five, Jody, and Owen head out on a standard supply run to a shopping centre...while on bicycles. Simon is thrilled at how good his bike is. Five also has a good bike, but Jody and Owen are stuck with some rather subpar ones, so Simon and Five have to distract the zombies for them as they struggle up a hill. Simon has way too much fun with this, literally riding rings around the zombies. At the shopping centre, they quickly grab what they need, weaving through a crowd of zombies on their bikes. They escape through the multistory car park, but Simon pops a tire on some broken glass and has to hitch a ride with Five.[3]

Simon spills a container of hydrochloric acid while messing around in Maxine's lab.[35]

The following section contains spoilers for the end of Season 2. [skip section]

While "helping out" in Maxine's lab, Simon takes the opportunity to sabotage her anti-zombie spray.[36][37]

End of spoiler section.

Simon is teamed up with Runners Seven, Eight, Five, and Jamie to retrieve some vital equipment from Bert Airfield. Major de Santa warns them to go radio silent for security reasons, and then sends them all on different routes to the Airfield. Once they arrive, Simon and Jamie take the equipment back to Abel.[38] Major de Santa later reveals that the mission was a test to see if Van Ark would sent his zombies to intercept them. The zombies did appear, meaning that someone in the group is a traitor who informed Van Ark of the mission.[39]

While Simon is on a mission to Jamie's fire station, Janine narrows down the possible traitors to just two people: Runner Five or Simon. After failing to make contact with Simon, she sends Ed out to intercept him on a motorbike. The sound of the bike spooks Simon and he panics. He shoots Ed in the shoulder and grabs Carena as a hostage before running towards Van Ark's lab. Janine is shocked to realized that Simon really is the traitor. Five uses a tone control box to direct the zombies to block Simon's route, but he drops Carena in their path as bait. Five rescues Carena just as Jamie catches up to them on Ed's motorbike. Simon fires his gun at them as he explains that he worked for Van Ark in order to receive his immortality treatments and that he never meant for anything to happen to Archie. Simon runs out of ammo. Jamie raises a baseball bat and begins beating Simon with it as Five takes Carena back to safety.[9]

Season Three[]

Jamie leaves Simon alive.[40] When he hears zombies approaching, Jamie drops the bat to let Simon defend himself. Simon decides to just let the zombies eat him. They begin tearing into him, and although the pain is agonizing, after a while Simon realizes that he isn't dying. By that point the zombies have eaten his left hand and most of his face.[41]

Simon sets up a base for himself in Dedlock territory, surrounding it with zombie body parts to keep everyone away. He begins wearing a mask to hide his disfigured face. He spends his time searching through all of Van Ark's bases.[41]

Simon occasionally sneaks into Abel to steal supplies. People notice the missing supplies and catch a few glimpses of Simon in a mask and cloak, which starts a rumor about the supposed "Phantom of Abel".[42][43]

Runner Five, Owen, Paula, and Louise are sent into Dedlock territory in search of one of Van Ark's bases. Sam notes that this area is also where the Phantom of Abel was last seen. The runners split up to search the area, but draw the attention of the Dedlocks, who begin shooting at them. Simon takes this opportunity to approach Five and talk to them alone.[44]

Simon tells Five that he's been trying to get them alone for weeks; he has some intel on Van Ark for them. Five ignores Simon and walks away, only to run into a Dedlock ambush. Simon fires at the Dedlocks and manages to convince Five to follow him. He leads Five to his base and tells them about how he's still alive, and how Van Ark's treatments made him immortal. He tries to justify his betrayal by saying that Van Ark didn't ask for much in exchange and implies that he needed the immortality treatments because he was dying of a serious illness, possibly cancer. He gives Five a stack of Van Ark's research on Comansys, and tells them not to mention his involvement; just let everybody at Abel think he's dead.[41]

When Jody is accused of murder and goes on the run from the Ministry, Runner Five leads her and Owen towards Simon's base in order to get his help.[45]

Simon lets the three runners spend the night in his shack. In the morning, Jody leads them towards an abandoned mental hospital where she hopes to find evidence of her innocence. Inside the hospital, they discover Amelia Spens burning some incriminating documents in a barrel. She knocks the flaming barrel into Owen and flees. The runners chase after her, but she shoots Owen in the leg and takes Runner Five hostage before escaping in a microlight plane.[46]

Simon catches up with Amelia and Five after the plane crashes and Amelia tries to escape on a speedboat. Simon quickly disarms Amelia of her gun. Over comms, Janine confronts Simon about his betrayal. Amelia offers to take Simon with her in the boat, but Janine asks Simon to come back to Abel so they can talk. Amelia says she'll share some of the information she's found about regenerative therapies that could help Simon with his missing hand and face. Simon decides to go with Amelia. She wants him to shoot Runner Five, but he refuses. Instead, he gives Five and Janine a hint about how to find Comansys: the "Laetitia Greenwald" mentioned in the notes isn't a person - it's a ship![47]

Some time later, Five, Jody, Louise, and Dr. Lobatse search through Simon's shack for any more of Van Ark's intel on Comansys. The only things they find are notes on regenerative therapy.[48]

Simon and Amelia go in search of Van Ark's treatments in order to regrow Simon's hand and face. They meet up with Beth and Trevor, two people who were involved in Van Ark's clinical trials, and they go over his notes and experiments together. They try one of the treatments and it is a success: Simon's hand and face grow back, although his appearance has changed slightly.[49]

As Runner Five falls under Moonchild's mind control, they hallucinate many voices. They hear Simon saying that Five would've taken Van Ark up on his offer too, if they had the chance to become immortal.[50]

Amelia sends Simon to the Comansys ships to retrieve some of the anti-mind control serum. He manages to get some and escapes from the ships just before Runner Five blows them up under Moonchild's orders.[51]

As the mind-controlled Runner Five is causing chaos in Abel, they hear Simon saying that they deserve to die for what they've done. Simon himself appears just after Five nearly attacks Sam with an axe, and he injects Five with the anti-mind control serum.[52]

Runner Five sinks deep into a hallucination and flees from Abel. Simon runs alongside Five, trying to get them to come to their senses, but Five's hallucinations are blending with reality and making it difficult for them to focus on him. Five heads for the same abandoned mental hospital where they confronted Amelia, and Simon eventually manages to slap them back to sanity.[53]

Simon and Five meet up with Amelia, and the three of them escape from zombies and mind controlled forces chasing after them. Simon sympathizes with Five over the guilt they are feeling for their recent actions, but he points out that, unlike him, Five has the excuse of being mind-controlled. Simon and Amelia take Five back to Abel in Amelia's van. Simon starts to ask if Five can tell Janine something for him, but changes his mind.[54]

When Moonchild sends her forces to attack Abel, Amelia convinces a militia group to help defend the township. Simon takes position at the head of one group.[55]

Simon is supposed to help Tony coordinate the defense of London against Moonchild, but Tony's forces have been incredibly reduced. Instead, Simon heads off to meet with Runner Five and Maxine, who have traveled to London to put a stop to Moonchild's plans. As a horde of zombies approaches, they enter a pub where they find an entrance to the sewer. Once inside, Simon uses a bottle of rum he found to create a molotov cocktail which he throws at the horde. They make their way into the subway tunnels, but one of Moonchild's people sends a train towards them. Five and Maxine make it safely to the platform, but Simon gets snagged. He asks Maxine for help, but she freezes. Five manages to pull Simon to safety just in time. They make it to Moonchild's childhood home and search for anything that might give them an edge over her. What they find is a recording of Moonchild's experiments - one of which she tested on her father, which went terribly wrong.[56]

Simon, Five, and Maxine travel to the Natural History Museum to meet with Veronica who says she has something to help them. Inside, Veronica gives them a refined version of her zombie repelling serum. Unfortunately, also inside the museum is a mind-controlled Iona Evans - a friend of Veronica's - who is drawing the zombies into the museum. Simon wants to just kill her, but Veornica strongly objects to that. Instead, she comes up with a plan for them to kill the zombies, which succeeds. Simon, Five, and Maxine head onwards towards the Comansys Tower.[57]

Five and Maxine take a detour to meet up with Jamie at Buckingham Palace. Simon decides not to join them, due to the bad blood between him and Jamie, and instead leaves to perform reconnaissance and get an update from Tony.[58]

Simon returns to Buckingham Palace with his report and immediately starts bickering with Jamie. Jamie leads them all into some secret underground tunnels that take them towards the Comansys Tower. Simon, Five, and Maxine have to navigate some treacherous obstacles to get inside. Once they make it through, Simon makes a comment implying that he wants to die. Moonchild comes on over the intercom, saying that she's been watching them and she's excited to work with them. Her words enrage Simon, who storms off to find her. After a while, Amelia can no longer find him on cams, and Janine assumes that he's run off like a coward.[59]

Simon reappears on the roof of the tower as Runner Five is restraining Moonchild. Janine orders Five to destroy the ZRD so that Moonhild can't use it to take control of everyone, but doing so would leave all the currently mind-controlled people essentially catatonic. Knowing this, Simon offers to use the device to send out a signal that would undo the mind control effect. Janine tells him that doing that would kill him - Simon says that's the point. Janine isn't happy about this, but acquiesces. Simon connects the device to his own head and activates him. The device fries him in a horrifically painful way, but succeeds in returning all the mind-controlled people to their previous selves. The Comansys Tower collapses soon afterwards, leaving everyone to think that Simon is dead. Sam later says that he saw someone, horribly burned, standing up and walking away from the wreckage of the tower. He starts to say that it could be Simon, but Janine says she hopes it isn't, for Simon's sake.[60]

Season Four[]

The following section contains spoilers for Season 5.

Simon did indeed survive the destruction of the Comansys Tower, although his body was horribly damaged by the experience. The subsequent regeneration process changed his appearance and voice significantly. He decides to leave the identity of "Simon" behind and renames himself as "Peter".

Peter eventually finds his way to a zombie-themed circus at Rowantree Manor, where he becomes a performer called "Dr Necropolis". Peter's act involves the "curing" of a zombie with a formula developed by the Elizabethan sorcerer Doctor Dee. One day, much to Peter's surprise, two of the visitors to the circus are Runner Five and Paula.[61]

Paula gets captured by the Ringmaster who is interested in her fast healing abilities, and Runner Five gets locked outside. Peter meets up with Five and offers to help them rescue Paula. Five does not recognize Peter but accepts his help. Peter says that in return, Five has to help him retrieve an object that the Ringmaster took from him. The object turns out to be a note. Five recognizes the handwriting as Amelia's. Peter and Five find Paula, and he explains that the "cured" zombie was actually just a partially-sentient zombie that can talk. Paula asks for the formula he was using in his act. There isn't any of the actual formula left, but Peter gives them the glass vial it used to be in. He distracts the Ringmaster while Paula and Five escape.[62]

At Brightwater Tower, Sam finds an old radio transmission of Amelia talking with Simon. In the recording, Amelia admits to finding Sam attractive, and Simon apparently offers to dress up like him.[63]

Season Five[]

The Ministry of Recovery takes over Abel Township and declares that Runner Five, Sam Yao, Maxine Myers, and Janine de Luca have been killed. Doubtful of this, Peter sends out a message on an open channel asking to rendezvous with Runner Five. Five and Paula meet up with him, and Paula is surprised to recognize him as Dr. Necropolis. Peter offers to lead them to a place where they can live for a while, since they can't go back to Abel. They follow him to Noah Base. As they start to explore, they discover that the base is full of zombies which they get trapped with when the elevator lever breaks off. Paula tries to contact Sam for assistance, but she isn't sure if the signal gets through. As they make it through a door to the outside, they are greeted by Janine, who opens fire on the zombies. Peter is shocked to see that Janine is still alive; Janine, however, does not recognize him. He seems like he's about to tell her his real identity, but switches at the last moment to remind her that Five met him at the circus. Peter manages to convince Janine to let him stay at Noah Base with them.[64]

Peter helps Five distract the Ministry's soldiers while Janine sends some other runners to siphon off Sigrid's fuel dump. Along the way, Peter accidentally lets slip several hints to his identity, including that he knows how Janine strategizes, that he has been to New Canton before, that Jody likes to knit, and that Sam likes Demons and Darkness. He tries to explain away this knowledge by saying he heard about it from one of the Ministry's propaganda pieces.[65]

Maxine, Janine, and Sam fall sick with a flu, leaving Peter, Paula, Five, Tom, and baby Sara to find another place to stay for a while. Ed sends them a message saying that some of the Comansys ships are beached on the coast, so they head out to investigate them. They accidentally set off an alarm on one of the ship, which alerts the Ministry to their location. Maxine, Paula, and Sam commiserate over feeling like you're already dead; Peter chimes in that he's felt like that too...because he used to pretend to be dead as a circus act, of course. Tom comes up with a plan that draws the Ministry away. Peter and the others decide the ships aren't safe and head back to the camper van for a few days. On the way there, Peter tells them that he's found a copy of the Ministry's radio propaganda about them.[66]

Peter plays the propaganda recording for the others. It's the rough cut, so they get to hear all of Ian's comments that were cut from the final version.[67]

Peter assists with the plan to help Runner Five sneak back into Abel. He sets up a fake Ministry checkpoint to get a truck to stop so that Five can stow away in the back. The truck driver asks to see the signed order from the Minister, which Peter does not have, so the truck just drives right through the checkpoint.[68]

Things go very wrong for Five back in Abel and for a short time everyone thinks that Five has become a zombie. Thankfully this is not true, and Peter joins the others over comms as they all help Five to escape from Abel.[69]

Peter, Five, and Janine head out to a graveyard in search of a Viking armlet that Sigrid is very interested in finding. During the mission, Janine attempts to confront Peter about his previous identity as Simon, but Peter literally runs away and then exclaims that he doesn't want to talk about it in front of Five. Janine asks incredulously if he thinks Five really doesn't know, and she states that half of Noah Base has approached her to talk about their suspicions. She expresses the need to talk about the man she loved, Simon, and how she's forgiven him and she misses him every day - when her duty allows. They find the Viking armlet behind the headstone of Gillian Lynne. Peter seems to come around a bit, even saying he doesn't want "Necropolis" on his tombstone. He then states that he wants to be called Peter Lynne. Janine acquiesces and calls him "Mr. Lynne."[70]

After Runner Seven is lost on a mission, Peter is left as the guardian of his dog, Bonnie.[71]

The Ministry captures Noah Base, including Sam and Janine. Amelia manages to get Peter an invitation to Sigrid's party aboard her airships, where Janine is being held. Peter is dismayed to see that Janine has been put on display in a cage, and asks Five to find some laser cutters in one of the other ships so that he can free her. Five gets him a laser cutter and sets off a smoke bomb as a distraction. Peter sets Janine free and she sends him off to help Jody and Runner Five, saying she has something she needs to attend to.[72]

As they fight to retake Abel from Ian and the Ministry's soldiers, Peter heads down into the farmhouse basement where the prisoners are being held - which is currently flooding with sewage. He manages to free the prisoners and they get to work dismantling the punishment huts and the testing ground. After Abel has finally been liberated, Peter receives a message from Janine. She says that she's going undercover as the new leader of Netrophil and that she's leaving Jody in charge of Abel. Janine praises their bravery and loyalty and says that they will meet again.[73]

Season Six[]

The Home Front[]

Season Seven[]

Season Eight[]

Season Nine[]

Season Ten[]


Simon has a tendency to crack jokes while out on missions.


Janine de Luca[]

Simon is secretly (and then less secretly) having a relationship with Janine. In Zombies, Stretch! Janine asks what Simon is doing, calling him, "Si," and he responds that he's doing an exercise that strengthens his back muscles and "helps with other horizontal activities." She laughs awkwardly and thanks him.


"Well, look at it this way: if I’m with you, you can keep an eye on me. If I’m not, I’d think you’d want to keep your eye on me even more." - Dr. Necropolis Voodoo Child


Season 1

New Adventures[]


  • Simon's stats from The Runner's Guide are as follows:
    • Number: 3
    • Name: Simon Lauchlan
    • Missions: 11
    • Kills: 39
    • Status: Active
    • Notes: Wise-Ass
  • Simon likes country music[19] and ABBA.[22][23]
  • Simon does not like pineapple on pizza.[74]
  • Simon knows how to dance the Monster Mash.[75]
  • Simon was once sent on a medicine supply run and all he brought back was five dozen packs of Viagra.[76]
  • Simon once did a supply run completely naked.[77]
  • Simon does not have good aim with a gun.[78][79][80][81]
    • He makes an effort to improve his aim in Season 3.[82]
  • In Season 2, Simon mentions having a pet cat.[83]
  • On the Rofflenet board for the Halloween! Virtual Race, Simon's username is simonsays.[84]
  • Since Simon was raised Catholic, his idea to adopt "Peter" as his new name was likely inspired by Saint Peter, who was originally named Simon before becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • Peter may be bisexual. In The Home Front, he mentions how great it is to see an explicitly bi character in a movie he likes.[85] And Peter's alternate-universe self from Negative Space mentions his male ex who he loved a lot.[86]
  • Alternate universe versions of Peter appear in several New Adventures.
    • Mr. Peter Lynneberg Simons is sent to oversee the investigation of a space colony that has gone dark in Venus Rising.
    • Roman legionary Petronius is just trying to survive until retirement in Rule Britannia.
    • Mining specialist Peter Lynne is sent to investigate the Starship Hephaestus after a transmission failure in Negative Space.
  • Simon/Peter is the fifth most recurring non-player character in the main storyline of Zombies, Run! after Sam Yao, Janine de Luca, Maxine Myers, and Jody Marsh. He appears in 87 out of 415 missions (21.0%) throughout seasons 1-10. (Note: This does not count Radio Mode appearances, hallucinations, or recordings.)
    • Season 1: 2/34 missions (5.9%)
    • Season 2: 22/64 missions (34.4%)
    • Season 3: 12/60 missions (20.0%)
    • Season 4: 2/42 missions (4.8%)
    • Season 5: 10/40 missions (25.0%)
    • Season 6: 11/40 missions (27.5%)
    • Season 7: 11/40 missions (27.5%)
    • Season 8: 0/30 missions (0.0%)
    • Season 9: 15/35 missions (42.9%)
    • Season 10: 2/30 missions (6.7%)
  • Peter Lynne's surname is possibly a reference to the rumored "Phantom of Abel". Dame Gillian Lynne was the choreographer for the original West End (London) production of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical "The Phantom of the Opera".


Simon's Playlist[]

Hey buddy, We haven’t had a chance to chat yet. You know how it is for us runners around here, or at least you know now. If it’s not a shambler, it’s a crawler, and if it’s not a crawler it’s a fast zom – or a whole pack of them. So by way of introduction, here’s a playlist of some of my favourite songs to entertain you on your next mission. Because what tells you more about a person than their taste in music, am I right? There are songs I’ve danced to, songs I’ve worked out to, and songs I’ve cried to in my teenage bedroom – I’ll leave you to figure out which are which – but they’re all songs that should get the old legs pumping. And at the end, there’s one for your warm down. Enjoy! Oh, and if you sense a bit of a theme running through a few them, well, forgive a former Catholic school boy his little joke… Your (I hope!) new friend, Simon, otherwise known as Runner 3


Letters from Simon/Peter[]

New Adventures[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Season 2 Side Mission 14: Circuit Training
  2. 2.0 2.1 Season 2 Side Mission 11: Zombies, Stretch!
  3. 3.0 3.1 Season 2 Side Mission 16: Zombies, Bike!
  4. Season 3 Mission 10: The Man Who Sold the World
    Simon Lauchlan: "I used to think I was so perfect. The body beautiful, that was me. All those days at the gym, the tanning salon. I even had my chest waxed once. None of it mattered, though. It didn’t stop what was going on inside, where the gym and the tan couldn’t touch. Every moment in that perfect body of mine, cells dividing and dividing and dividing until someday, just one of them, only one, that’s all it takes. Then suddenly, you’ve got your own death growing inside you. I was pretty on the outside, but inside, I was just rotting away."
  5. Season 1 Mission 22: Horde
    Evan Deaubl: "Three, you’re heading towards Digitisde Park. You should be able to get up on top of the pavilion there. Remember, like we did that time before?"
  6. Season 1 Mission 2: Distraction
  7. Season 1 Mission 21: Siege
  8. Season 1 Mission 22: Horde
  9. 9.0 9.1 Season 2 Mission 43: The Final Countdown
  10. Season 2 Mission 3: Walking On Broken Glass
  11. Season 2 Mission 5: Ghosts
  12. Season 2 Mission 6: Let The Dogs Come Out
  13. Season 2 Mission 7: Mummy's Hand
  14. Season 2 Mission 9: All Together Now
  15. Season 2 Side Mission 3: Whack-A-Mole
  16. Season 2 Mission 13: SOS
  17. Season 2 Mission 14: You're Rocking The Boat
  18. Season 2 Mission 19: Dare
    Simon Lauchlan: "We had a pretend luau once with flame-roasted SPAM."
  19. 19.0 19.1 Season 2 Side Mission 5: Top 40
    Sam Yao: "Uh, looks like Runner Three wants you to find him some… ew, is that country music?"
  20. Season 2 Mission 16: Electric Dreams
  21. Season 2 Mission 43: The Final Countdown
    Simon Lauchlan: "You know Archie and I were friends, Jamie. I never meant all that to happen to her. Van Ark told me he just wanted to talk to her, and – "
  22. 22.0 22.1 Season 2 Mission 19: Dare
  23. 23.0 23.1 Season 2 Mission 20: Toxic
  24. Season 2 Radio Mode: "Jody Marsh"
  25. Season 2 Radio Mode: "Simon Lauchlan"
  26. Season 2 Mission 23: Galvanize
  27. Season 2 Mission 25: Con Te Partiro
  28. Season 2 Mission 26: S-Express
  29. Season 2 Mission 28: Ghost Town
  30. Season 2 Mission 29: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
  31. Season 2 Mission 37: Sweet Escape
  32. Season 2 Mission 30: Panic
  33. Season 2 Mission 31: Hello
  34. Season 2 Mission 33: Athena
  35. Season 2 Mission 34: Ready To Go
    Sam Yao: "Runner Three was messing about so much in the doc’s lab that he spilled a container of hydrochloric acid everywhere."
  36. Season 2 Mission 34: Ready To Go
  37. Season 2 Mission 42: Road To Nowhere
  38. Season 2 Mission 35: Dog Days Are Over
  39. Season 2 Mission 36: One Way Or Another
  40. Season 3 Mission 7: Life's A Happy Song
    Sam Yao: "With Runner Three, you did sort of beat him to death with a baseball bat."
    Jamie Skeet: "He was alive when I left him."
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Season 3 Mission 10: The Man Who Sold the World
  42. Season 3 Mission 4: Left To My Own Devices
  43. Season 3 Mission 6: Career Day
    Janine de Luca: "Yes, a few items have gone astray. No, they have not been stolen by a masked figure dressed in an opera cloak!"
  44. Season 3 Mission 9: I Don't Want To Get Over You
  45. Season 3 Mission 21: Sin In My Heart
  46. Season 3 Mission 22: Your Cheatin' Heart
  47. Season 3 Mission 23: I'm With Stupid
  48. Season 3 Mission 29: Where's Your Head At
  49. Season 3 Mission 38: We're Needed
  50. Season 3 Mission 44: Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
  51. Season 3 Mission 47: Comfortably Numb
    Simon Lauchlan: "I was there, you know, on the ships just before they blew. I was after the serum, same as you."
  52. Season 3 Mission 46: Shoot The Runner
  53. Season 3 Mission 47: Comfortably Numb
  54. Season 3 Mission 48: Reunion Tour
  55. Season 3 Mission 51: Bad Moon Rising
    Amelia Spens: "You might recognize Simon at the head of that second armoured column. You could call us the cavalry. I was very persuasive to the North Norfolk Militia."
  56. Season 3 Mission 55: Into The Light
  57. Season 3 Mission 56: Natural Anthem
  58. Season 3 Mission 57: Rollercoasters
  59. Season 3 Mission 58: Up
  60. Season 3 Mission 60: Sacrifice
  61. Season 4 Mission 29: Monster
  62. Season 4 Mission 30: We Are Golden
  63. Season 4 Mission 32: Tower Of Song
    Amelia Spens: "You know who I really fancy? Simon, don’t be disgusting! No, no. Who I’ve always fancied – I don’t know why, I just, I’ve always… since I heard his voice - this is so embarrassing. Sam Yao. [...] No, I don’t want you to dress up like him."
  64. Season 5 Mission 5: Voodoo Child
  65. Season 5 Mission 6: Changes
  66. Season 5 Mission 7: Sail Away
  67. Season 5 Mission 8: Liar Liar
  68. Season 5 Mission 13: Drive My Car
  69. Season 5 Mission 22: Hit Me With Your Best Shot
  70. Season 5 Mission 30: Lazarus
  71. Season 5 Mission 37: Nothing But Love
    Peter Lynne: "We’re all having to make hard choices, now. I, for example, am apparently now the guardian of Runner Seven’s dog, Bonnie. She’s a good dog, apart from the constant mournful howling for her departed master, which I could do without."
  72. Season 5 Mission 38: Get The Party Started
  73. Season 5 Mission 40: The Room Where It Happens
  74. Season 2 Side Mission 3: Whack-A-Mole
    [discussing a local pizza place]
    Sam Yao: "Oh… did they do the kind with the pineapple?"
    Simon Lauchlan: "Ugh, you wouldn’t be a pineapple pizza type, would you?"
  75. Season 2 Halloween Mission 2: Horseplay
    Sam Yao: "Those New Canton trick-or-treaters are due to be here in about an hour, and if you don’t get back before then, you’ll miss Runner Three doing the Monster Mash."
  76. Medicine Run
  77. Season 2 Radio Mode: "Justin Miles"
  78. Season 2 Mission 28: Ghost Town
    Simon Lauchlan: "It’s okay, I’ve got a clear shot. [multiple gunshots]"
    Jamie Skeet: "Stop firing, you lunatic, it’s me!"
    Simon Lauchlan: "Jamie? What are you doing here? I nearly killed you!"
    Jamie Skeet: "Yeah, lucky you’re a terrible shot."
    Simon Lauchlan: "I missed on purpose."
    Jamie Skeet: "Yeah?"
    Simon Lauchlan: "No, not really."
  79. Season 2 Mission 29: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
    Simon Lauchlan: "Dammit! Missed! I am a terrible shot."
  80. Season 2 Mission 33: Athena
    Sam Yao: "Stop shooting, you idiot! That’s Runner Five!"
    Simon Lauchlan: "Oh, sorry! Good thing I always shoot wide, eh?"
  81. Season 2 Mission 43: The Final Countdown
    Jamie Skeet: "You’ve always been a terrible shot, mate."
  82. Season 3 Mission 10: The Man Who Sold the World
    Simon Lauchlan: "I’ve been practicing my marksmanship. I hope you’re impressed, Five."
  83. Season 2 Mission 29: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
    Simon Lauchlan: "If my cat was the size of a lion, he’d definitely eat me. I’ve seen it in his eyes."
  84. Zeefax board on Rofflenet
  85. The Home Front 12: Fight For Your Right To... Work Out!
    Peter Lynne: "Oh, Flame Dancer is my favorite. He’s just, I know, he’s just got so much flair, you know? He just casts these arcs of flame with this perfectly timed hip swivel. Um, I mean, also it is refreshing to have an explicitly bi character in a video game adaptation. [mockingly] 'Oh my God, I can’t imagine someone who likes fighting evil and dancing and boys and girls.'"
  86. Negative Space Mission 4: Only Satellites