Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

This page documents Runner Five's life throughout the story of Zombies, Run!

Early Apocalypse[]

The person who would later become Runner Five arrives at Mullins Military Base not long after the start of the zombie apocalypse.

5K Training[]

Five is sent from Mullins to Abel Township via helicopter to be part of something called "Project Greenshoot", although nobody has told Five what that is. As the helicopter is approaching Abel, it is suddenly shot down by a rocket fired from an unknown person down on the ground. Five jumps from the helicopter and parachutes safely to the ground, only to find themself surrounded by zombies. Abel Township's radio operator, Sam Yao, contacts Five and tells them where to run. Abel's doctor, Maxine Myers, asks Five to stop by Robinson Hospital on the way and pick up some medical kits. On the way there, Sam decides to call them "Runner Five", since he doesn't know their name and Abel recently lost their previous Runner Five. Five finds the medical kits, as well as a CDC file that Dr. Myers seems very interested in, and starts heading for Abel. A zombie horde starts chasing them, with one zombie in particular catching up fast. Sam identifies the zombie as Alice Dempsey, the previous Runner Five. Abel's snipers take down Alice, and Five makes it safely inside Abel's walls, where they are warmly greeted by Sam.[1][2]

Five begins runner training with Maxine and Sam, with the promise of a reward at the end of each training session. The first "reward" is a copy of Rajit's novel that Sam promised to read in exchange for letting Five take a hot shower.[3]

Five gets surprised by Jody Marsh imitating a zombie during the second training session. Jody cheerfully introduces herself as Runner Four before leaving Five to finish their training. At the end of training, Sam solemnly presents Five with Alice's backpack. Sam tells Five to collect good supplies with it - like sports bras.[4]

Five is sent to collect an assault rifle approximately a mile from Abel before New Canton can get to it. When Five successfully returns, Janine gifts them with an ornamental dagger as thanks.[5]

Rajit joins Five for part of their training to try and pester them into reading his novel, without much success. He mentions how the dorms are running low on supplies such as sheets and blankets, which is surprising to Sam and Maxine.[6]

Sam joins Five on a training session just outside of Abel. He runs off suddenly, leaving Five to chase after him. It turns out Sam was looking for Alice's wallet - and he found it. Once they're back in Abel, Sam gives Five their very own headset.[7]

Five gets chased by zombies while picking up trash outside of Abel. Janine is surprised that a runner was sent out unarmed, so she gives Five her axe.[8]

Five meets Francesca, Abel's quartermaster. She mentions how food supplies are running low and suggests that someone might be stealing them.[9]

Five is sent out by Janine to collect a medical supply drop.[10]

Five is joined by Jody for the next training session. Jody mentions how she's been doing constant supply runs in order to keep Rajit and Francesca stocked up, noting that it seems like everything's running out faster lately. At the end of the training session, Jody gives Five a t-shirt with their number on it as thanks for bringing back the medicine, which helped save the lives of several runners who were in the hospital with pneumonia.[11]

Sam tells Five about how Alice had been trying to find her younger sister, Frances. He asks if Five would be willing to travel to a few nearby settlements that might have information about her, and Five agrees. Sam promises to look out for Five and keep them safe, then gives them Alice's notes about her search for Frances.[12]

When Runner Six is injured outside of Abel, Five is sent out to clear the path by distracting and luring away any nearby zombies. Runner Six is safely brought back in Abel and treated by Maxine. Runner Seven, the head of runners, rewards Five with a red scarf that is only given to runners who have saved another runner's life.[13]

Five heads to Valera Cardiac Clinic at Sam's request in order to exchange information with them. The Clinic doesn't know anything about Frances, but they do say that Bert Airfield has a comms tower large enough to reach places further north than anywhere else. Sam thanks Five for helping him with this even though Five never knew Alice.[14]

Five accompanies Jody to the Creative Craft Warehouse to pick up some yarn. While there, they meet Becca Harrison. Becca mentions how the guys at Bert Airfield have noticed supplies going missing lately.[15]

Five learns that Francesca has disappeared from Abel. Rajit claims that she was mind-controlled by the government via canned food, but Sam and Maxine think it's much more likely that she was eaten by zombies.[16]

Five overhears Janine talking with Runner Eight, Sara Smith. They say that they don't think Five knows the real reason Mullins sent that helicopter to Abel. Neither of them are sure if Five can be trusted. Five makes sure to leave before they can be caught eavesdropping.[17]

Five is joined by Runner Six, Maggie Doane, on a run to Cortez Hospital. Maggie thanks Five for helping to save her life. At the hospital, they run into Becca again. Becca tells them how a person from Abel recently arrived at Bert Airfield and gives them a piece of paper with the person's name on it. It's Francesca.[18]

Sam asks Five for a favour: he's learned that Frances is up north, on an island in the Hebrides. He has some things of Alice's that he wants to deliver to her and Bert Airfield has agreed to ship them out on a transport at the end of the week. So Sam asks if Five would be willing to deliver the package to Bert Airfield, and Five agrees.[19]

Maxine joins Five on their penultimate training run. She thanks Five for everything they're doing to help Sam. She also warns them that something seems to be going on with Abel; they've been getting a lot of outside attention lately, with the rocket launcher attack and the feud with New Canton and even the stuff with Francesca.[20]

Five takes the package for Frances and heads out towards Bert Airfield with less than a hour before the helicopter takes off. Five makes it there just in time and the package is sent on its way.[21]

Season One[]

Runner Five is sent out to distract the zombies after Abel's gates get jammed open. Five gets paired up with Runner Eight, Sara Smith, who uses her coughing as an excuse to turn off the transmitter and shut Sam out of the conversation. Sara points out how strange it is that somebody fired a rocket launcher at a helicopter that was just supposed to be delivering supplies. She questions whether Five was actually the person Mullins sent over in that helicopter or if Five is just pretending to be that person. Sara is very suspicious of the circumstances surrounding Five's arrival at Abel and delivers a thinly-veiled threat as she shoots the zombies chasing them. The two of them lead the zombies to New Canton, where the guards angrily shout at them before turning their guns on the zombies.[22]

Five is taken on a tour of Abel Township and the surrounding areas by Runner Seven, Evan Deaubl. Abel's been in contact with Mullins Military Base, who say they're unwilling to send another helicopter to pick up Five out of fear of another rocket launcher attack. Evan tells Five that some of the people at Abel were uncertain about taking Five in, especially after the nearby settlement of Skoobs was destroyed not long after a man from Mullins arrived on a helicopter.[23]

Five is sent out to retrieve a child wandering in the wilderness. Five manages to find the child, thankfully unharmed, but is soon approached by a man on a motorbike. The man introduces himself as Ed and says the girl is his daughter, Molly. Molly was supposed to be with her mother, Becca, but Ed supposes she must've been bitten and abandoned Molly in order to avoid hurting her after she turned. Five hands him the child, but his bike is out of fuel. Ed takes Five to a fuel dump he uses. While there, they find a rocket launcher and a tone-producing device. Ed fuels up his bike and decides to join Abel as their mechanic.[24]

The fuel that Five brings back allows Radio Abel to resume broadcasting.[25] The additional supplies they've been bringing back also allows Abel to increase each resident's daily ration by 25%.[26]

Five is sent to warn the settlement of Brunswick that a large horde of zombies is approaching. With the help of Runner Eight, Five manages to warn everyone in time. Five, Eight, and the residents of Brunswick manage to barricade themselves in a safe location until Abel can send more runners to deal with the zombies.[27]

Janine sends Five out to collect a supply cache left by a rebel in New Canton. Sam expresses his concerns about this, and when Janine steps out of the comms shack he reassures Five that he's keeping as many scanners focused on them as he can. As Five approaches the supposed supply cache, a group of New Canton soldiers appear and surround Five. Janine and Sam both tell Five to get out of there, so Five runs, leaving Sam's scanner range as the soldiers fire at them.[28]

Five runs through unfamiliar territory for hours until night falls. Five eventually gets back into range of Abel's comms and hears Sam calling out to them. Sam has no idea if Five is even still alive, but he continues talking anyway. He tells Five about his life before the apocalypse, how he was studying to be an engineer in order to please his parents, but he really wanted to work with radio. He talks about his family and how he isn't sure if his sister is still alive. As the night goes on, Sam starts losing hope that Five will make it back before Abel's gates are barred. Suddenly Five appears on Sam's scanners and he shouts for them to run. Five makes it back inside Abel just before the nighttime horde arrives and Sam welcomes them home with relief.[29]

Five is sent out to the old mill in search of med packs and food. Sam expresses his concern for Five after their long night run, but Maxine reassures him that Five is uninjured. At the old mill, Five sees a New Canton runner trapped on the roof by zombies. Five lures them away so the man can climb down. He introduces himself as Lem, Runner 38. Then Lem realizes he was bitten. As he begins coughing, Lem says farewell to his operator, Nadia, then gives his headset to Five. Lem lures the zombies away from Five. On the way back to Abel, Five hears Nadia calling out for Lem through the headset.[30]

Five and Sara head out to the crashed helicopter to retrieve the supplies there. On the way, Sara tells Five a bit about her past. Janine cuts the power in the comms shack as they approach the helicopter. They hear coughing and see the helicopter pilot reanimating. Five acts as bait to draw the pilot away from Sara searches through the wreckage. Sara finds the supplies as well as Five's ID from Mullins. Sara admits that she hadn't been sure whether Five could be trusted and implies that she would have killed Five if she had found someone else's ID in the chopper. As they head back to Abel, Sara tells Five they need to talk about Project Greenshoot sometime. Back in Abel, Sam invites Five to join him for a snack in the comms shack after he notices that they seem a bit shaken.[31]

Janine sends Five and Sara after a traitor, Tess, who has stolen valuable technology and information and is heading for New Canton. Along the way, Sara tells Five that she's with the military, and that Project Greenshoot is on hold until they can figure out what's going on with the rocket launcher attack and everything else. Five and Sara catch up with Tess. Sara knocks her out and they carry her to the upper floor of a nearby shed. They leave Tess with a weapon to defend herself and then take the stolen items back to Abel.[32]

Jack and Eugene from Radio Abel debate who is faster: Runner Four or Runner Five. Jack takes Five's side, and the two of them contemplate asking the runners to have a race.[33]

Runner Five is sent back to Brunswick with supplies at Janine's request; she hasn't heard from them since the fire and she's worried. She also mentions that Five might be given an important "item" to bring back to Abel. Upon arriving at Brunswick, Five is greeted by Ben Jones who says they have a lot to discuss.[34]

Ben and Haley Baird, Brunswick's comms operator, send Five out to fix the cameras in and around Brunswick. Five activates the generator and flips the circuit breaker to bring the power back on, then connects new power cables to some cameras that were damaged in the fire.[35] Next, Five activates a booster for Brunswick's radio transmitter, allowing their comms to work again.[36] Ben attempts to have a private conversation with Five, but he's interrupted by Haley who sends Five out to pick up a food drop.[37]

As thanks for helping Brunswick to recover, Ben gives Runner Five a USB stick containing important information for Janine. Shortly after Five leaves to return to Abel Township, a horde of zombies breaks through a section of Brunswick's perimeter that was poorly repaired. Ben and Haley shelter in the comms shack in hopes that the zombies won't notice them, but to no avail. Janine orders Five to return to Brunswick and help, but Ben insists that it's more important for Five to deliver the USB stick to Abel. Five continues running towards Abel. Janine sends a group of runners out towards Brunswick anyway, but they can't make it there in time. Five hears the zombies break down the door of the comms shack, and then two gunshots as Ben and Haley choose to kill themselves rather than let the zombies kill them.[38]

At Maxine's request, Five heads to the university to the south in search of a confocal microscope to help with her research. Five finds a box labelled "Doctor Maxine Myers" and "VS-72". Maxine thinks she knows what it might be; her girlfriend Paula was working at that university and Maxine thinks whatever's in the box could be the start of a vaccine for the zombie plague.[39]

Five and Maxine listen to the CD that Paula left behind. Paula explains the research she was doing and how one of the patients had an adverse reaction that started the zombie plague. Paula urges Maxine to find the research notes in order to understand the virus and possibly develop a vaccine.[40]

Maxine sends Five to the Tessandori Street Research Facility where Five manages to find the clinical trial patient records for VS-72. Maxine tells Five that Paula was working for Pandora Haze, a technology company that was investigating the possibility of eternal life.[41]

Maxine sends Five to the Keeley Centre in search of a missing patient file after finding a hidden message from Paula on the CD. Five finds Patient 29's file and flees from the building as a Pandora Haze helicopter approaches. Several soldiers and Professor Van Ark head towards the building as Five escapes.[42]

Five goes out on a supply run for "fun stuff", which gets derailed a bit when Maxine spots the rulebooks for Demons and Darkness. Maxine urges Five to grab the rulebooks, then Sam tells Five to grab the figurines that go with the game, and then they both tell Five to grab some paint for the figurines. Before Sam has the chance to send Five searching for costumes, a group of zombies appear, so Five has to return to Abel. Sam thanks Five for bringing all that stuff back and says that Five is officially his favourite person in the entire township. He shares his new character sheet with Five (Jedward the High Elf Wizard) and invites them to join Maxine's game session later that week. Jack, Eugene, and possibly Jody will be playing as well.[43]

Five, Jody, and Sara go out on a scouting mission. It's supposed to be a simple run to check on an area outside of the camera range, but Jody hears some odd musical tones followed by gunshots. They follow the noise and discover a pile of about forty dead zombies, each killed with a single shot to the forehead. Even stranger, there are loaded guns piled up all around them. Sara notes that this is just like something she and Janine have seen before at Jameson Hester Stadium, very early in the apocalypse. Before they can investigate further, a group of twenty zombies appears nearby. The runners gather up as many guns as they can carry and head back towards Abel, but the zombies manage to keep pace with them. In fact, the zombies are running as well. Sam sends out Runners Thirteen and Fourteen to cover them with rifles and everyone makes it safely back into Abel.[44]

Five and Runner Ten, Chris McShell, head out towards Red Settlement to trade information with one of their runners. Along the way, Chris explains how he's been observing zombie behavior and developing tactics for dealing with them. Five and Chris have the chance to test out one of these tactics on some nearby zombies, to great success. Chris mentions that he used to live and work in New Canton, but he left when they started asking him to figure out how to make zombies target other humans.[45]

Someone calls in to Radio Abel complaining about the runners bringing back so many sports bras. Jack and Eugene point out that it's mostly Runner Five's doing, and describe it as a sort of fixation.[46]

Five heads out towards New Canton with the headset that Lem gave to them, hoping to overhear some of New Canton's radio transmissions. The plan works and Five overhears the New Canton radio operator, Nadia, saying that New Canton is planning to raid Abel Township next week.[47]

Runners Five and Eight head for the Simpson's Corner Shop, which is the last known place of employment for Arthur Gurkhan - Patient 29. They see a helicopter pass by on their way. When they're about a kilometer from the shop, they hear explosions and see a plume of smoke rising up. The helicopter flies off. Five and Eight reach the corner shop to discover that it has been destroyed - and it certainly wasn't just a corner shop, judging from the remains of an industrial lab in the basement.[48]

Maxine directs Five and Eight to Professor Van Ark's house in the hopes of learning where he is and what he's been doing. When they get there, they find Van Ark himself. Sara chases him down and handcuffs him to herself to prevent him from getting away, but not before he fires his pistol which attracts all of the nearby zombies. As they run, they hear some unusual tones. Van Ark claims that he was being held captive by Pandora Haze who wanted him to work on a vaccine for the zombie virus. Maxine asks why Van Ark ordered the people at the university to burn their research notes; Van Ark says it was because he was afraid and ashamed that patient zero came from his medical trial. Van Ark leads Five and Eight to a door they can use to escape, only to be ambushed and bitten by a zombie waiting on the other side. Sara quickly dispatches the zombie and they flee through the door. Van Ark begins coughing and offers to lead the other zombies away before he turns. Sara unlocks the cuffs. Van Ark tells Maxine that he saw Paula alive at the Jeffro Complex, then runs off toward the zombie horde. Five and Eight climb to the top of a nearby water tower to wait for rescue.[49]

Five, Eight, and Maxine head back to Hertston to investigate the remains of the Simpson's Corner Shop. There they meet a man named Ephraim Whately who has been listening to New Canton's radio transmissions. He pulls out his radio to demonstrate and they all hear Nadia saying that a large number of New Canton's troops are headed for the Jeffro Complex. After failing to find anything conclusive at the corner shop, the group decides to head for Jeffro, accompanied by Ephraim. He helps them sneak into the facility, only to lead them directly into a trap - one set by Professor Van Ark, who is still alive with a healed bite wound on his arm. Sara sets off a flashbang as a distraction, allowing her, Five, and Maxine to sneak away. They hear Paula's voice, but it's only a recording. Van Ark and his soldiers corner them again, but a series of explosions gives them the chance to get away. They meet Archie Jensen and New Canton Runner Five, who had set off the explosions to help them out. Archie says Van Ark got away, but mentions she used to work with Van Ark a long time ago. She asks them if they know someone named "Paula".[50][51]

Chris McShell has a favor to ask of Runner Five: he's been bitten and he needs Five to retrieve something from his old home before he dies. Five heads to 17 Decco Park Drive and finds an envelope on the table labelled "Veronica". Chris explains that Veronica is his daughter and the envelope contains a recording from her mother. Five successfully retrieves the envelope moments before Chris dies.[52]

Five and Sara are sent out with Lem's headset to see if they can listen in on New Canton's plans. During the run, Sara turns off her microphone to talk with Five privately. She fills them in the various organizations that have come into power since the start of the apocalypse, and tells them that Project Greenshoot involves something important in Abel Township that the military is interested in. Before she can say much more, they hear gunshots. From the New Canton headset, they hear Nadia assuming that the gunshots are from Abel firing on New Canton runners, and she announces that New Canton will be raiding Abel Township within the next 24 hours. Sam calls Sara and Five back home to prepare for the attack. On the way back, Five hears Nadia say that she sees Lem's headset on her scanners, not moving in the way that a zombie would, which causes Nadia to believe that Lem is still alive.[53]

Five heads out with Lem's headset once again. Several of the other runners are running interference to keep Five's path clear. Five hears that New Canton has begun their attack and sent out a group of runners towards Abel. Nadia sees Lem's tracker on her scanners again and gives "Lem" directions to see if he can hear her; Five follows the directions and Nadia becomes certain that Lem is still alive. Nadia suddenly calls all of her runners back, telling them to abort the mission. Jody gives the other Abel runners a panicked warning: at least three hundred zombies are heading towards Abel from the north.[54]

Five and the other runners regroup and receive noisemakers from Sara Smith. They all split up to try and lead as many zombies away from Abel as possible. Five and Sara head towards Imran Park to lead their zombies into a gorge. They head to the top of a hill where Sam asks them to keep a lookout, since his cameras are still down. Sara pulls out some binoculars and reports on the general situation. Then she sees something unusual and asks Five for a second opinion. Through the binoculars, Five sees a group of ten zombies carrying a rocket launcher towards Abel. The rocket launcher is fired, causing a huge explosion that knocks Five out.[55]

Five is awoken by Sara, who tells Five that she may have been bitten and has to leave in case she turns. She tells Five to tell Janine something important: before every zombie attack, Sara has heard the same sort of tones. Sara then runs off, leading the zombies away from Five. With no comms coming from Abel, Five only has Nadia to listen to. Nadia directs a pair of runners towards Five, telling them to either bring "Lem" home or kill whoever is impersonating him. Five tries to avoid them, but the New Canton runners catch a glimpse of Five and tell Nadia it's not Lem. Nadia switches to private comms and tells Five that they'll have to come to New Canton eventually, now that Abel's been destroyed. Suddenly a new transmission cuts off Nadia. It's Major de Santa; the leader of Abel Township has finally returned.[56]

Season Two[]

Runner Five makes sure to dispose of Lem's headset before entering New Canton. An uneasy alliance forms between Abel Township and New Canton upon discovering that Van Ark has been targetting both of them. Major de Santa comes up with a plan to capture some of Van Ark's fast zombies so that Maxine can study them. Runner Five enters an office building where Van Ark is retrieving valuable intel about the zombie plague. As planned, Van Ark sends some of his fast zombies after Five before escaping in a helicopter. Five successfully leads the zombies into a series of nets that were set up beforehand, trapping them. Major de Santa, Nadia, and Sam all congratulate Five - but in the excitement, Sam accidentally reveals to Nadia that Five was the person pretending to be Lem.[57]

Five, Runner Seven, and New Canton Runner Twenty, Archie, head out from New Canton to grab some power tools to help with the rebuilding of Abel. Nadia is noticeably cold towards Runner Five over the comms. The three runners manage to find the power tools but get chased out of New Canton's radio range by a pack of zoms. Luckily they also get chased into Abel's radio range, and Sam lets them know that the cavalry is already there - Janine, who shoots all the zoms in the head with laser precision. As the group heads back to Abel, Janine mentions that they're holding a memorial for Runner Eight and that Five and Seven should be there as well. Right as they reach Abel, Major de Santa contacts Five on a private channel and tells them that Project Greenshoot is still in the works. But first they need to gather intel on New Canton and get their support.[58]

Five, Jody, and Simon go to test an anti-zombie formula created by Maxine. Simon also brings Runner Seven's dog, Bonnie, along. Bonnie runs off. When Simon blows a dog whistle to call her back, they notice that the fast zombies respond to the sound of the whistle as well. The anti-zombie formula ends up slowing down the zombies, but only temporarily.[59]

Nadia sends Five to a food processing factory that hasn't been scavenged yet. On the way there, Nadia tells Five about how important Lem was to her. She expresses her anger about how Five had been pretending to be Lem, and says it's unfair that Lem is dead yet Five is still alive. Sam suddenly speaks up over the comms, sounding panicked as he tells Five to run - right before unseen people begin shooting at Five. Sam says those are the Dedlocks, a very aggressive group that has expanded into the area. Sam says that Nadia should have known about that, given that the information about the Dedlocks' movements has been on Rofflenet for a week. He accuses Nadia of deliberately sending Five into Dedlock territory to get them killed. Nadia lashes out at Sam as Five ducks into a nearby building. After a moment, Nadia calms down a bit and tries to say it was just a joke, but Sam doesn't believe her for a second. He tells Five to ignore Nadia and directs Five towards the exit of the building. Along the way Five grabs some spray nozzles from the factory. Five manages to make it back out of the factory district without getting shot and runs into Archie. Sam warns Five that Archie might be working with Nadia, but Archie sounds genuinely surprised to hear that Nadia tried to kill Five. Sam tells Five to come on home to Abel - there might not be much space there right now, but there's no way he's going to leave Five in New Canton after that.[60]

Five and Simon go searching for survivors of the attack on Abel. Eugene is on comms and is very insistent that they search the riverbed - the reason for which becomes clear when they find one of Jack's shoes as well as his broken and bloodied cricket bat. Five and Simon follow the trail and meet Powell, a man who lives in a house nearby and claims to have saved Jack from the zombies. Powell leads them to the house and, sure enough, Jack is there. Five gives Jack their headset so that he and Eugene can talk. Bella Ramsay, another resident of the house, invites Five and Simon inside to rest.[61]

After spending the night in the Birkmyre Estate, Five, Simon, and Jack help Powell and Bella trap more zombies. Meanwhile, Eugene fills Five in on what he learned from Jack: these people would be very valueable to have at Abel due to their trapping skills, their herd of cattle, and Bella's degree in chemical engineering, but for some reason the owner of the house, Beatrix Ramsay, is refusing to let them leave. Eugene tells Five they need to uncover the reason why. Simon and Bella get into some trouble with the zombies and have to fire a gun to protect themselves. The sound of the gunshot rings out through the woods, attracting a horde, and everyone retreats back inside the Birkmyre Estate.[62]

Five helps to barricade the Birkmyre Estate from the zombie horde. As the group is sheltering in the library, Bella and Powell try to convince Beatrix that it's time to leave. Beatrix still refuses. She explains that there's a family tradition stating that Britain will not fall as long as a Ramsay is at Birkmyre. As the zombies begin to break through, Bella finally gets fed up and knocks out Beatrix. Powell leads the group through a hidden tunnel, with Simon carrying Beatrix. Once they're out, they all head back to Abel together.[63]

Five and Archie go to a Rofflenet station to gather some barbed wire to use in fortifying Abel's defenses. Along the way, Archie spots a flock of chickens roaming around. Five and Archie each catch a chicken. Archie names hers Mildred Van der Graf. At the Rofflenet station, Five gets to work collecting the barbed wire from the fence while Archie struggles to hold on to her chicken (Five's chicken is comfortably nesting in their backpack). Archie's chicken escapes and runs under the fence - and promptly steps on a landmine and explodes, to everyone's shock. With the barbed wire gathered and one less chicken, they return to Abel.[64]

Five and Simon are assigned to escort Abel's delegates for the New Canton/Abel peace summit. They spot some fast zombies heading towards one of the vans, but unfortunately fast zombies are immune to noisemakers. Maxine meets the runners in the field to deliver her updated anti-zombie formula - now using the spray nozzles Five found in the factory! The spray does slow down the zombies, but not a lot. Luckily Archie and her ex-boyfriend Pieter arrive to help out, and they manage to distract the zoms long enough for the delegates to reach their destination safely.[65]

Five joins Esteban Sosa of New Canton's Permanent Advisory Council on a trip to Lem's old house. Apparently Lem left a message there for Nadia. Speaking of Nadia, New Canton wishes for her to return to her duties as radio operator. On the way there, Esteban explains to Five Nadia's skills, and how she's only lost three runners since taking the job - and he pointedly asks how many Sam has lost. Esteban also criticizes the leadership of Major de Santa and Janine. At Lem's house, they find the message and play it for Nadia. After hearing it, she begins crying and apologizes for her actions. Runner Five returns to New Canton to have a talk with her.[66]

Runner Five and Nadia talk, and Five does not object to her going back to work as New Canton's comms operator..[67]

Janine sends Five on a mission to survey any survivors living outside of Abel. Sam points out that Five might not be the best choice for a mission that involves a lot of talking, and Janine agrees - that's why she's going too. The pair of them head south into Clannion Wood. First they meet Iris Garrity, who has just lost her traveling companions and is too traumatized to answer the survey questions. Then they meet an aggressive man who threatens to shoot them if they don't leave. And finally they meet a friendly man with his dog Baxter, who is more than willing to answer the questions - except he unintentionally insults Abel Township and Janine's farmhouse, so Janine quickly ends the survey and leaves. Five and Janine reach their ultimate destination: a distillery for Pepe's Finest British Tequila, where a camp of survivors has recently formed. Unfortunately the survivors only want to drink and relax, not answer questions, so the surveying is unsuccessful.[68]

Five and Archie head to a school where Lem had been delivering supplies to some children under the care of a man named Jamie. Near the school they find an abandoned camp site, similar to others that have been seen in the area recently. The school building itself looks abandoned, but there are two children on the playground - and a horde of zoms closing in. Five and Archie sprint and grab the children - Archie carries the girl, Carena, and Five takes the boy, Jasper. Carena repeatedly cries out for Jamie as they try to get away from the zombies, but they soon find themselves surrounded.[69]

Five, Archie, and the kids are saved when a man shows up in a firetruck and uses the hose to spray the zombies, knocking them to the ground. This man turns out to be Jamie. He takes the kids and explains that they've been staying in the fire station. Archie is immediately infatuated by him and flirts relentlessly. The zombies are still following them, so Five and Archie act as decoys to let Jamie and kids get to safety.[70]

A building collapses along the eastern route from Abel to the city, so Five and Simon head that way to clear out any of the resulting zombies. Simon turns it into a game and explains to Five how the zombies are worth a certain amount of points based on what kind of zombie it is and how you kill it. Sam protests, reminding them that zombies are still a serious threat, but Maxine chimes in and encourages Simon to get more points so that they can win this month's prize: a bottle of whiskey.[71]

Janine sends Five out to gather batteries, accompanied by Ian Golightly, a reporter for The New Times who is writing an article about "a day in the life of a runner". Ian narrates the mission as he takes notes via dictaphone, much to the annoyance of Sam and Janine. Their path gets cut off by a horde and they have to duck into a nearby building - but luckily it's an electronics store. They grab the batteries and some small electronics and head back to Abel, successful. Ian praises Five's ability and expresses his interest in turning the article into a series.[72]

Five is out chopping wood with Jody and Simon when Janine radios them to say that there's been a distress call from a beached ship - and they requested Runner Five by name. The three of them head down to the coast and climb aboard the ship, which they discover is absolutely infested with zombies. They end up trapped between two hordes, only to be rescued by someone unexpected: Runner Eight, Sara Smith.[73]

Sara promises to explain how she's alive later, after they've got everyone safely off the ship. She does explain that she told the captain to ask for Five specifically, because she knew Five was trustworthy and hoped they wouldn't be able to resist a mystery. Sara leads Five and the others to the bridge, where the remaining survivors of the Aurora are waiting. They successfully evacuate the survivors, then return for the supplies still onboard. Five and Sara head down into the hold, where they find a stockpile of guns and ammo. They also hear something shrieking - something that doesn't sound like a zombie. They don't have time to investigate though, as they can smell fuel leaking from somewhere. Everyone leaves the ship. Sara asks the captain what was going on belowdeck, but he only offers a vague answer before throwing a lit flare onto the deck, causing a fuel explosion that destroys the ship. With nothing left to investigate, Five and the others lead the suvivors back to Abel.[74]

Sara explains that she was actually bitten by a dog, not a zombie. She and Five head out to test the effects of dog whistles on zombies. On their way to meet up with Archie and Jamie, they get ambushed by a pack of fast zoms. Five and Sara split up and try out various patterns of whistles. Five finds one that causes all of the zombies to chase after them and not Sara. Archie and Jamie arrive, and try out their own whistle patterns in an attempt to draw the zoms away from Five. However, their whistling causes the zombies to start picking up and throwing rocks. Maxine speculates that this might be similar to how the zombies that attacked Abel were able to use a rocket launcher.[75]

While a large group of runners from both Abel and New Canton are acting as decoys, Runner Five and Archie head over to one of Van Ark's secret bases in Dunderwood Village. Five blows a dog whistle to attract all the nearby zombies and keep them busy, while Archie sneaks inside and begins going through the files. Archie discovers important information about the tones used to control the zombies, and how the tone controls can be changed through the use of other tones. As if on cue, an ominous tone rings out and the zombies stop listening to Five's dog whistle and begin trying to break into the lab where Archie is. Five tries to distract them but it's no use. The zombies break through, but they don't kill Archie: they knock her out and pass her to Van Ark, who has just arrived on a helicopter. Van Ark thanks Five for "delivering [his] package" before flying off with Archie.[76]

Five returns to Abel to collect some devices from Janine, then heads back out to meet up with Jamie. They place the devices throughout the area in an attempt to triangulate the position of Archie's tracker.[77]

Five and Jamie head towards the group of buildings where Archie is being held. Via Archie's hidden microphone, they hear Van Ark torturing her. Jamie pulls out some incendiary charges, intending to start a fire so that Van Ark is forced to flee. But Janine tells him to wait; they have a plan and New Canton is sending reinforcements. As Van Ark continues torturing Archie, Jamie becomes more and more agitated, until finally Maxine tells him to go ahead and rescue Archie. Five and Jamie set the charges and blow open a wall of one of the buildings - but the room is empty. It's the wrong building. Five and Jamie rush towards the correct one, but before they get there they hear Van Ark call for his helicopter to pick him up, they hear Paula pleading with him not to do something...and then they hear two gunshots as he shoots and kills Archie.[78]

Abel is evacuated due to a dangerous chemical spill. Five, Sara, and Simon are sent towards Dedlock territory to pick up the ingredients Janine needs to create a sealant. As the Dedlock snipers begin shooting at them, Simon splits off from the group to deal with them. Five and Sara manage to find what they were looking for. Major de Santa broadcasts a speech saying that she has a fleet of planes ready to spread Maxine's anti-zombie spray over the entire country, and Sara puts together that this is a part of Project Greenshoot. Five and Sara rush towards Abel as Janine says there's less than an hour before the damage from the chemical spill becomes irreversible; if they don't make it in time, Project Greenshoot is over.[79]

Five and Sara take the ingredients for the sealant to Janine. She explains a bit more about Project Greenshoot and how there are secret labs beneath Abel that contain supplies to help humanity rebuild. Five, Sara, and Jamie head down into those labs to get the leaking chemical containers. The chemical fumes have a hallucinatory effect, and Jamie and Five begin hearing Sara's voice as Archie's. Sara maintains her lucidity and is able to guide the other two into collecting the containers and carrying them out to Janine, where she applies the sealant and stops the leak.[80]

While Janine leads the other runners through a training mission, Five and Jody act as decoys to lure the zombies away from the area. Unfortunately they also attract a group of fast zombies, but they are rescued by a group of young women and girls who introduce themselves as the North London Girl Guides. Jody and Sam invite them to stay at Abel, but the Girl Guides insist that they can take care of themselves - although they would be happy to trade supplies. One of them, Charlie, tells Five and Jody that they'll be in the area for a while, and if the runners need help all they have to do is whistle.[81]

Runner Seven takes Five somewhere secret - his hidden stash of guns and weaponry. He explains to Five how he was a gunrunner before the apocalypse. Normally he wouldn't admit that to anyone, but Five has earned his trust. They collect a few of the grenade launchers from the stash. As they head back towards Abel, Seven asks Five to keep everything he told them a secret.[82]

Major de Santa sends Five and Sara to a nearby weather station to retrieve some equipment necessary for the deployment of Maxine's anti-zombie serum. At the weather station they encounter Francesca, who has become incredibly paranoid since running away from Abel. Francesca begins shooting at them as she yells about zombies, the government, and mind control. Five acts as a decoy while Sara sneaks up behind her. Unfortunately Francesca notices Sara before she can get close enough. Terrified of being captured, Francesca chooses to jump from the top of the station and falls to her death. A horde of zombies is attracted by all the noise, so Five and Sara quickly gather the equipment and some of Francesca's hoarded food before returning to Abel.[83]

Five and Sara head out to investigate a supposed transportation of some of Van Ark's audio equipment. When they get there, they are surprised to run in Ephraim again, who asks for their help in escaping Van Ark's soldiers. Sam tells them they don't have to help him, considering he betrayed them last time they met, but Ephraim mentions that he knows about a spy that Van Ark has inside of Abel, and he won't tell them unless they help him. So they reluctantly agree. They manage to escape the soldiers, but Ephraim is shot and begins bleeding badly. He can no longer run, so Five and Sara help him into a boat and push it away from the shore. As it floats away, Ephraim tells them that Van Ark is putting together a massive army of zombies to attack Abel and New Canton, and that the traitor is the one who the "Major loves best of all".[84]

As Van Ark's army of fast zombies approaches Abel Township, Five and fourteen other Abel runners head out to meet them, armed with Maxine's anti-zombie spray. Unfortunately, Maxine didn't have time to test this batch and it ends up making the fast zombies faster. Sam tells them to retreat and begins giving the runners a "death speech". He starts to say something to Five, but he gets cut off by Nadia who announces that reinforcements from New Canton have arrived. In addition, the anti-zombie spray soon takes effect and begins killing the zombies. With the army defeated, Major de Santa gives a triumphant speech.[85]

Jack and Eugene ask Five to escort them to an interview with the Girl Guides. Sam asks Five to give them a copy of Chris McShell's message for his daughter, Veronica, who was supposedly with the Girl Guides when the apocalypse started, so they might know where she is now. While they are looking for the Girl Guides, Jack, Eugene, and Five are chased by a horde of zombies and end up getting saved by the Girl Guides. As Jack and Eugene start their interview, Five gets pulled aside by one of the Girl Guides, Jordan Smith, who says that Five owes them now, since the Girl Guides have saved them twice. Jordan gives Five a set of coordinates and tells them to meet the Girl Guides there in a few days.[86]

Runner Five meets up with the Girl Guides who promise to get the message to Veronica in exchange for Five's help finding Posey's half-sister, Cassidy. They take Five to a yoga retreat where they heard Cassidy was staying. When they get there, they see a group of people dragging Cassidy inside while talking about fires and forks, leading the Girl Guides to believe those people are cannibals.[87]

Five and the Girl Guides manage to break in and rescue Cassidy, who seems confused when they mention cannibals. Cassidy leads them to a cave where she's stashed a large amount of guns - guns that she stole from the "cannibals", who are actually just hippies who wanted her to teach them yoga. Posey is distraught by this and tells Abel to let the hippies know where Cassidy and the guns are. Cassidy is re-captured, and the Girl Guides thank Five for their help and promise to pass the message along to Veronica.[88]

Runner Five participates in the memorial service for the previous Runner Five as well as Runners Six, Ten, and Seventeen in the Forest of Fallen Runners. Runner Seven officially designates Adam as the new Runner Seventeen and Owen as the new Runner Six. The ceremony is interrupted by the early arrival of a ship carrying essential fuel for the deployment of Maxine's anti-zombie spray, so Five and the other runners head off to help unload it. Unfortunately the powered dollies to transport the fuel drums have been destroyed by a collapsed crane, so Sam sends Five off to meet with his Rofflenet friend Harry who has a working steam train. Five helps Harry start up the train and it heads off towards the docks.[89]

After the fuel drums are loaded onto the train, Five, Simon, Jody, and Sara run alongside it to make sure the tracks are cleared. A bridge ahead of the train has collapsed, so Five pulls a lever to change the tracks. A horde of zombies appears in front of the train - enough that Sam is worried it might get derailed if it hits them. The runners split up: Simon and Jody go one way, and Five and Sara go the other. Five and Sara lead their half of the zombies over the collapsed bridge and into a ravine. Sara notes that the bridge seems like it was collapsed on purpose, just in time for a line of bandits on horseback to appear.[90]

There's another problem in addition to the bandits: both upcoming train tracks are obstructed. One has a concrete block on it and the other has Owen tied to the rails. Sam tells them to abandon the train and let it hit the concrete, but Sara insists that the fuel is more important than Owen's life and changes the course to steer the train towards Owen. Sam begs Five to save him, but Five is already on their way. They manage to cut Owen's bindings just in time and get him to safety. The Girl Guides appear and give the runners some fireworks which they use to spook the bandits' horses, causing them to buck their riders off. One horse wanders onto the tracks, but Five climbs onto the saddle and guides it out of the way. The train safely arrives at the airfield.[91]

Five participates in the first annual Abel/New Canton boat race. They're on a team with Sam and Jamie, going up against Nadia and two New Canton runners. Unfortunately the race is interrupted by the arrival of a large horde of zombies, but Five brought a noisemaker so the two boats lead the zombies away while the crowd gets to safety. They get caught in some unexpected rapids and the New Canton boat capsizes. The two runners make it safely to shore, but Nadia hits her head against a rock and has to be rescued by Jamie. They row out into a lake, but the zombies are still following them underwater. Nadia recognizes that the island in the middle of the lake used to house a military base, so she and Jamie head ashore to grab weapons while Five and Sam keep rowing to distract the zombies. Nadia and Jamie return with frag grenades, which they throw into the lake to destroy the zombies.[92]

Five and Simon head to Holmes Settlement to see why they haven't been heard from for a while. They discover that the settlement is mysteriously abandoned, like everyone just vanished into thin air. They run into Jamie, who is there looking for his two runaway kids, Carena and Jasper. In a barn, they find the missing reidents - all zombified. While fleeing the zombies, they head to the local school where they find Carena still alive - but Jasper and the other kids are all zombies too. They use the anti-zombie spray to kill the zombies. But then Carena starts choking and struggling to breathe.[93]

Five, Simon, and Jamie rush back to Abel as fast as they can. Jamie thinks Carena is having an asthma attack, but after Maxine examines her she says it's more like a severe allergic reaction. Just then, Major de Santa comes into the comms shack and demands that Sam switch to a secure channel. The Major says that she suspected the anti-zombie spray might have side effects on children. Jamie says they have to stop using the spray then, but the Major says that isn't his call to make and orders everyone to remain quiet about this or face the consequences.[94]

Five and Simon are out testing the anti-zombie spray in an area with no children when they are ambushed by bandits. Their comms cut out, possibly due to a jamming device the bandits have. Five and Simon run back to Abel, where Janine says she can't let them in, so Sam "accidentally" hits the gate switch. Simon comments that Sam only did that because Five was in danger and says that Sam has a "soft spot" for Five, which Janine angrily agrees with. Five and Simon make it inside, but so do the bandits, who begin ransacking Abel. Janine gets injured and captured by the bandit leader, who threatens to kill Janine if they don't give her the anti-zombie spray. Jack and Eugene take a barrel of it to her while Five and Simon get to work sabotaging the bandits' escape route. The bandit leader lets Janine go, and Five and Simon manage to retrieve the barrel before the bandits escape, but Maxine mentions that some of the notes are missing from her lab.[95]

Season Three[]

Season Four[]

Season Five[]

Season Six[]

The Home Front[]

Season Seven[]

Season Eight[]

Season Nine[]


  1. 5K Training: Intro
  2. Season 1 Mission 1: Jolly Alpha Five Niner
  3. 5K Training: Week 1 Workout 1
  4. 5K Training: Week 1 Workout 2
  5. 5K Training: Week 1 Workout 3
  6. 5K Training: Week 2 Workout 1
  7. 5K Training: Week 2 Workout 2
  8. 5K Training: Week 2 Workout 3
  9. 5K Training: Week 3 Workout 1
  10. 5K Training: Week 3 Workout 3
  11. 5K Training: Week 4 Workout 1
  12. 5K Training: Week 4 Workout 2
  13. 5K Training: Week 4 Workout 3
  14. 5K Training: Week 5 Workout 2
  15. 5K Training: Week 5 Workout 3
  16. 5K Training: Week 6 Workout 1
  17. 5K Training: Week 6 Workout 2
  18. 5K Training: Week 6 Workout 3
  19. 5K Training: Week 8 Workout 1
  20. 5K Training: Week 8 Workout 2
  21. 5K Training: Week 8 Workout 3
  22. Season 1 Mission 2: Distraction
  23. Season 1 Mission 3: Lay of the Land
  24. Season 1 Mission 4: A Lost Child
  25. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Getting Some Air"
  26. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Small-Caliber"
  27. Season 1 Mission 5: Paul Revere
  28. Season 1 Mission 6: Supply Run
  29. Season 1 Mission 7: A Voice in the Dark
  30. Season 1 Mission 8: The Old Mill
  31. Season 1 Mission 9: Recovery
  32. Season 1 Mission 10: Tess
  33. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Money Where Your Mouth Is"
  34. Season 1 The Brunswick Incident 1: Hands
  35. Season 1 The Brunswick Incident 2: Eyes
  36. Season 1 The Brunswick Incident 3: Ears
  37. Season 1 The Brunswick Incident 4: Guts
  38. Season 1 The Brunswick Incident 5: Brains
  39. Season 1 Mission 11: Back to School
  40. Season 1 Mission 12: Alternates
  41. Season 1 Mission 13: A Regular Meds Run
  42. Season 1 Mission 14: Patient 29
  43. Season 1 Mission 15: Virtuous Circle
  44. Season 1 Mission 16: Scouting Mission
  45. Season 1 Mission 17: Information Exchange
  46. Season 1 Radio Mode: "No More Sports Bras"
  47. Eavesdropping
  48. Season 1 Abel Township Race Mission 1: Ultra-Violet: 5K
  49. Season 1 Abel Township Race Mission 2: Visiting Van Ark: 10K
  50. Season 1 Abel Township Race Mission 3: Jeffro Complex: 20K
  51. Season 1 New Canton Race Mission 3: Plasmapheresis: 20K
  52. Season 1 Mission 19: An Unimportant Mission
  53. Season 1 Mission 20: Listen In
  54. Season 1 Mission 21: Siege
  55. Season 1 Mission 22: Horde
  56. Season 1 Mission 23: Aftermath
  57. Season 2 Mission 1: Back Once Again
  58. Season 2 Mission 2: From The Ashes
  59. Season 2 Mission 3: Walking On Broken Glass
  60. Season 2 Mission 4: We Used To Be Friends
  61. Season 2 Mission 5: Ghosts
  62. Season 2 Mission 6: Let The Dogs Come Out
  63. Season 2 Mission 7: Mummy's Hand
  64. Season 2 Mission 8: Chicken Payback
  65. Season 2 Mission 9: All Together Now
  66. Season 2 Mission 10: Holding Out For A Hero
  67. Season 2 Mission 11: The Kids Are Alright
    Sam Yao: "Nadia’s been reinstated. I think it was pretty big of Runner Five to not raise any objections."
  68. Season 2 Side Mission 2: Headcount
  69. Season 2 Mission 11: The Kids Are Alright
  70. Season 2 Mission 12: Relight My Fire
  71. Season 2 Side Mission 3: Whack-A-Mole
  72. Season 2 Side Mission 4: Times New Roaming
  73. Season 2 Mission 13: SOS
  74. Season 2 Mission 14: You're Rocking The Boat
  75. Season 2 Mission 15: Hounds Of Love
  76. Season 2 Mission 16: Electric Dreams
  77. Season 2 Mission 17: The Object Is A Hungry Wolf
  78. Season 2 Mission 18: Dark And Long
  79. Season 2 Mission 19: Dare
  80. Season 2 Mission 20: Toxic
  81. Season 2 Side Mission 6: Trefoil
  82. Season 2 Side Mission 7: War Is The Answer
  83. Season 2 Mission 21: Always Take The Weather
  84. Season 2 Mission 22: No Future
  85. Season 2 Mission 23: Galvanize
  86. Season 2 Side Mission 8: Interview With a Girl Guide
  87. Season 2 Side Mission 12: Search And Rescue
  88. Season 2 Side Mission 13: Actual Cannibal Rescue Mission
  89. Season 2 Mission 25: Con Te Partiro
  90. Season 2 Mission 26: S-Express
  91. Season 2 Mission 27: Banditos
  92. Season 2 Side Mission 9: Zombies, Row!
  93. Season 2 Mission 28: Ghost Town
  94. Season 2 Mission 29: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
  95. Season 2 Mission 30: Panic