Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

Runner Five is the designation given to the silent protagonist and player character of Zombies, Run!

This person is Abel Township's fourth Runner Five,[1] after Sergeant Ellis, the unnamed second Runner Five, and Alice Dempsey.

Runner Five has no canonical name, race, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation, as they are meant to be a blank slate for the player to project their own identity onto.


See Runner Five/History


Because Runner Five has no dialogue, it's difficult to know what their exact personality is. But from their actions and behavior, it's clear that Five is very loyal to their friends and allies. Five will often put themself in danger in order to help others, even without being ordered to. Other characters sometimes mention how brave Five is.[2]

Five rarely disobeys orders given by their operator or commanding officer. When they do disobey, it's almost always because someone is in imminent danger,[3] or because Five is being influenced by an outside force such as Moonchild.

Five has many friends in and around Abel Township. Several characters think of Five as family, including Sam, Maxine,[4] and even Janine.[5]

Five is respected by the other runners in Abel Township, to the point where they asked Five to become the new Head of Runners in Season Three[6] - a position which Five eventually accepted. Janine notes that there is a sense of camaraderie between Five and the other runners.[7]

Five likes playing games with their friends. They often play Demons and Darkness with Sam, Maxine, and Paula. Five is pretty good at Street Fighter - or at least good enough to consistently win against Sam.[8]

Five never speaks while on missions and has a reputation for being a quiet person. Despite their lack of dialogue, Five still communicates with and responds to their fellow runners during missions, most likely through nonverbal means such as gestures and facial expressions. Many people seem to view Five as a confidante and tell Five important information, secrets, or personal stories from their pasts. Five is known to be a good secret-keeper.[9][10]

Five has been known to hold a grudge, as shown by their rejection of Simon upon meeting him again in Season Three.[11][12] But Five is also capable of forgiving people who have wronged them, evidenced by their eventual friendships with Nadia, Amelia, and Peter.

Although Five seems to enjoy their work as a runner, the stress and trauma of the job does affect them. Sam notes that Five often has nightmares.[13] From Season Four onwards, particularly stressful situations will sometimes prompt Moonchild to speak up and guide Five's actions.

Five feels guilty for the actions they took while under Moonchild's mind control. The destruction of the Comansys ships weighs heavy on them due to the many deaths it caused, and other characters try to be careful about mentioning that particular incident around Five.[14][15] When Five mistakenly thought that they had killed Sam, a combination of their overwhelming emotions and the anti-mind-control drug Simon injected them with sent them into a hallucinatory state. After recovering from the mind control, Five made Janine promise to kill them if they ever got mind-controlled again, in order to stop them from hurting anyone else.[16]

Five has demonstrated an impressive amount of willpower and constitution on numerous occasions. Five has been able to continue running and carrying out their orders even after being tortured or drugged.[17][18][19][20][21]


  • Runner Five has good eyesight.[22]
  • Players noticed early on that there seemed to be an unusual amount of sports bras picked up during their runs. This turned into an ongoing joke about Runner Five having an obsession with collecting sports bras.
    • In Week 1 Workout 2 of the 5K Training, Sam encourages Five to pick up sports bras on their runs, as Alice always talked about how important a good sports bra was.
    • In Season 1 Radio Mode, a listener calls in to complain about the sheer number of sports bras being brought in by the runners. Jack says that the problem seems to be with one runner in particular *cough*Runner Five*cough* and Eugene describes it as a fixation.[23]
    • One of the old achievements was called "Bra Hero". It was earned by collecting 100 sports bras.
    • In Season 2 Radio Mode, Abel Township hosts a series of games, one of which involves seeing who can put on the most sports bras at once. Jack and Eugene say this was inspired by one of Abel's runners, "naming no names".[24]
    • In the Season 2 Halloween mission "Horseplay", Jody dresses up like Five for Halloween. Her costume features multiple sports bras.
    • One of the teenagers in Abel complains that the runners "never bring anything good back. It’s all sports bras and toolkits."[25]
    • Not even Five's alternate universe self Quintus (from the Rule Britannia series) is immune. One of the supply items they can collect is an apodesmos (ancient Minoan bra).
  • Runner Five has a good poker face, according to Runner Eight.[26]
  • Due to Runner Five having no voice actor and no dialogue, other characters sometimes remark on how quiet Five is or come up with reasons for Five not to speak.
  • Runner Five has a tendency to hallucinate. These hallucinations usually take the form of voices.
    • In Season 2 Mission 20: Toxic, Runner Five is affected by chemical fumes and begins hearing Archie's voice, despite her recent death.
    • In Season 3 Mission 5: Walk of Life, Runner Five hears the deceased Runner Eight talking to them at her funeral.
    • Five hears Runner Eight again when they are in danger of drowning in Season 3 Mission 32: Dynamite.
    • Season 3 Mission 44: Welcome Home (Sanitarium): Five hallucinates the sound of a terrifying beast chasing after them as they are falling under Moonchild's mind control.
    • Season 3 Mission 47: Comfortably Numb: After nearly killing Sam while under mind-control, and then being injected with an anti-mind-control drug, Runner Five experiences their most vivid hallucination yet, imagining themself as a patient in a psychiatric hospital and interacting with several of their dead friends (and foes).
    • Beginning in Season 4, Runner Five frequently hears Moonchild talking in their mind. However, in Season 6 this is revealed to not actually be a hallucination, but rather a form of Moonchild that literally exists inside Runner Five's mind. That being said, this Moonchild sometimes takes advantage of her presence in Five's mind to make them hear other voices, such as Archie and Runner Eight.
    • In Season 9 Mission 30: Crossing the Line, Runner Five is shot full of powerful tranquilizer. They manage to stay conscious, but all the while they are hallucinating the voices of their friends.
  • Runner Five often carries a spare headset in their pack. They offer this headset to people they encounter while out on a mission, so that Sam can speak to them as well.
  • Runner Five is definitely not a dog.[27]
  • Because Runner Five is the main protagonist, they appear in almost every mission of the main storyline. But there are some missions where they don't appear at all:
  • Alternate universe versions of Runner Five appear in several New Adventures.


  1. Season 1 Mission 7: A Voice in the Dark
    Sam Yao: You’re not even my second Runner Five, you know that? You’re my fourth.
  2. Season 2 Mission 43: The Final Countdown
    Sam Yao: "We need you to do a Pied Piper, Five, if you’re brave enough."
    Janine de Luca: "Of course Runner Five’s brave enough. For God’s sake, we’ve seen that often enough."
  3. Season 2 Mission 41: You Know My Name
    Sam Yao: "What are you doing, Five? Five, are you listening to me? You’re running in completely the wrong direction! [...] I know you want to help Janine, I want that too."
  4. Season 5 Mission 24: Come Undone, Maxine's letter
    Maxine Myers: "I’m really lucky to have all of you. You’re family to me, you know?"
  5. Season 8 Mission 28: Captain Of A Shipwreck
    Janine de Luca: "But you and Five are my family, too."
  6. Season 3 Mission 5: Walk of Life
    Jody Marsh: "So uh, we wanted to ask you [to be Head of Runners], Five. I know I’ve been here longer, but it’s not about length of service. It’s just someone that everyone trusts, you know? Respects."
  7. The Home Front Mission 9: We Are Not Alone, Janine's letter
    Janine de Luca: "I also very much appreciate your taking part in these workout sessions. I doubt Mr. Yao has been especially… discreet with his admiration of you, but I can’t deny that your participation in these sessions appears to be a significant draw for the rest of Abel Township’s runners. I suppose there must be a sense of camaraderie, knowing a fellow runner they respect is also participating."
  8. Season 9 Mission 11: Heartbreak Hotel, Sam's letter
    Sam Yao: "When you’ve got a moment, can we find that arcade game bar again, and chat about it over a game of Street Fighter? With Veronica’s help, I might actually beat you…"
  9. Season 4 Mission 11: Lullaby
    Sam Yao: "Janine? Five? Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone?"
    Janine de Luca: "Certainly. It’s possible we possess the two most sealed sets of lips in the post-apocalyptic world."
  10. Season 7 Mission 5: Deep Web
    Veronica McShell: "Five, I know you’re good at keeping secrets. You have a 99.99% perfect confidentiality record."
  11. Season 3 Mission 10: The Man Who Sold the World
    Simon Lauchlan: "So, this is it, Five. Make your mind up time. Stick with Simon, after all he’s done for you, after he saved you from the Dedlocks, led you right through the heart of their territory without a scratch, or toss him aside, and go back to your loyal friends at Abel."
    [Runner Five walks away]
    Simon Lauchlan: "Oh, oh, oh, that’s the way it’s going to be, is it?"
  12. Season 3 Mission 47: Comfortably Numb
    Simon Lauchlan: "You know how I can tell you’re better? Because when you were tripping, you were a lot friendlier. Never thought I’d miss that look in your eye you’ve got right now, like I’m something you wiped off your shoe."
  13. Season 6 Mission 29: Drop it Like it's Hot
    Sam Yao: "I’m sorry, Five. We will work out how to fix this for you. I know it hasn’t been easy. We’ve all...heard the nightmares."
  14. Season 5 Mission 7: Sail Away
    Maxine Myers: "I try not to think about it. All those people..."
    Paula Cohen: "We know you didn’t mean to do it, Five. That wasn’t you."
    Maxine Myers: "Yeah, I didn’t mean to blame you."
  15. Season 6 Mission 33: Boom Shake the Room
    Peter Lynne: "And let’s be real. This isn’t quite as bad as letting ships full of innocent people get sunk, is it? Oh God, sorry. No offense, Five."
  16. Season 4 Mission 6: Brain Damage
    Janine de Luca: "We can’t let Five attack Abel again, Mister Yao. 'Stop me by whatever means necessary.' That’s what I promised."
  17. Season 2 Mission 32: Tightrope
    Five is dragged behind a jeep, through thorn bushes and zombies, but still manages to run back to Abel after being rescued.
  18. Season 2 Mission 43: The Final Countdown
    After several hours of running on a treadmill and being injected with unknown and painful substances, Five is still able to run after and catch up to a traitor.
  19. Season 3 Mission 48: Reunion Tour
    Simon Lauchlan: "And you know, if it makes you feel any better, [Moonchild] really had to turn those control tones up to eleven to try to get you to hurt Abel. I could hear them leaking out of your headset, and you were still resisting."
  20. Season 5 Mission 21: Staying Alive
    Despite being injected with a cocktail of chemicals that left them incredibly disoriented, Five is able to outrun the zombies chasing them and escape from the Ministry-controlled Abel.
  21. Season 9 Mission 30: Crossing the Line
    Five is shot full of enough tranquilizer to stun an elephant, but keeps running, even while hallucinating. They force themself to stay conscious and they only pass out once they have made it to safety.
  22. Season 3 Mission 21: Sin In My Heart
    Owen Landis: "There, on the brow of that hill. Can you see them, Five? You’ve always had good eyes."
  23. Season 1 Radio Mode: "No More Sports Bras"
  24. Season 2 Radio Mode: "Janine De Juca"
  25. Season 3 Mission 24: Return To The Forbidden Planet
  26. Season 2 Mission 40: Little Lies
    Sara Smith: "You’re much better at [lying]. Excellent poker face."
  27. Naomi Alderman: ".@ZombiesRunGame just to reconfirm. Runner 5 is not a dog. Not. A dog. Not. Not a dog. Runner 5 is a human. Also not a cat." (via Twitter)

Abel Township
Notable Runners
Runner 5 (player)Runner 3 (Simon Lauchlan)Runner 4 (Jody Marsh)Runner 7 (Evan Deaubl)Runner 8 (Sara Smith)Runner 10 (Chris McShell)
Other Major Characters
Sam YaoMaxine MyersJanine De LucaMajor de SantaJack HoldenEugene WoodsDr Lobatse