Zombies, Run! Wiki

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Zombies, Run! Wiki

Roman is Abel Township's Runner 9. He is a chemist.


Season One[]

Roman notices Tess heading out through Abel's gates with a full backpack. This is suspicious to him so he sounds the alarm.[1]

Sam says that Runner Nine did a good job extending the range of the cameras, but Sara Smith implies that something bad happened to him in the process.[2]

Season Two[]

Sam sends Roman, Runner Four, and Runner Thirteen out to Birkmyre Estate where the residents of the home as well as several people from Abel are trapped by a horde. Roman and Thirteen use noisemakers to draw the zombies away from the outside of the building while Four goes to retrieve the trapped people.[3]

Roman requests some dubstep CDs when Runners Four and Five are sent out to a CD shop.[4]

Roman participates in Janine's test of Abel Township's structural defenses alongside nine other runners.[5]

Roman participates in the memorial service for Runners Five, Six, Ten, and Seventeen in the Forest of Fallen Runners. The ceremony is interrupted by the early arrival of a ship carrying essential fuel, so Roman and the other runners head off to help unload it.[6]

Roman is out testing Maxine's anti-zombie spray when bandits invade Abel.[7]


Season 2


  • Roman's stats from The Runner's Guide are as follows:
    • Number: 9
    • Name: "Roman"
    • Missions: 12
    • Kills: 66
    • Status: Active
    • Notes: Chemist
  • Roman likes dubstep music.[4]


  1. Season 1 Mission 10: Tess
  2. Season 1 Mission 16: Scouting Mission
  3. Season 2 Mission 7: Mummy's Hand
  4. 4.0 4.1 Season 2 Side Mission 5: Top 40
    Sam Yao: "Okay, right, I’ve got a list of requests here, for you. [...] Bit of dubstep for Runner Nine."
  5. Season 2 Side Mission 6: Trefoil
    Sam Yao: "Janine’s running a, um, an 'official test of Abel Township’s structural defenses', with Runners Nine through Eighteen on the north face."
  6. Season 2 Mission 25: Con Te Partiro
  7. Season 2 Mission 30: Panic
    Janine de Luca: "[...] and all our other runners are out conducting trials for Doctor Myers."