Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

"On the Run" is the tenth mission of Season 9.

Reunited at last, but you’ve got a target painted on your backs.



Running Away![]

You flee from the guards, but Sam screams and says that his head feels like it's on fire. Maryam could take a look but you need to get somewhere safe first. You head towards a square where a large crowd has gathered and see that there's something on fire. Standing next to the fire is Janine! Someone shoots at her and she flees.

Guard Post[]

You catch up with Janine but she's suffering the same gaps in her memory as you are. She remembers crossing the border alone, leaving Veronica with Peter and Mo, and then buying a city approved headset to keep in touch. Mo had told her to reach the central square and set off the alarm at the guard post to cause a distraction and give them chance to get inside.

Vantage Point[]

Janine had objected to the plan, deciding that the guards were undisciplined so might not even respond to the alarm, so she set off to find a better distraction. She found a very ostentatious fountain, which Mo said belonged to the most powerful person in the city. Unfortunately she got cut off from Mo and Peter on comms, so she decided to climb onto the roof.

Business Card[]

Janine had climbed onto the roof and found a gold-plated transmitter. She decided that she was going to start an electrical fire. She then took a tactical nap. Unfortunately, that's all she can remember. She does know that Peter wasn't affected by the tea because of his condition. Frances suggests that he might have Veronica and Janine suggests they check out the location on the business card she acquired.

No Time to Explain[]

You reach the bar mentioned on the business card, a place full of vintage arcade machines. Sam is feeling overheated, so he stays outside while you go and meet up with Peter. He's bought you all drinks! Peter asks where Sam is, and when you explain, he panics and says you need to head to the fish market urgently!


At the fish market, Peter lifts Sam up and puts his head into the ice. Peter explains that if he hadn't, Sam would be dead because Veronica is inside his head! Because you had to leave behind most of Veronica's components, she had to recompile overnight; an intensive process that could have caused Sam's brain to overheat. It had to be Sam because Peter regenerates, Janine's nanites might have destroyed Veronica, and Five is your only Runner! Veronica uses Sam's voice to speak to you. She has a little more work to do, but there are guards closing in on your location.

Debt Collection[]

You're chased down a dead end. Veronica tells you to surrender; if you don't you'll probably get shot. One of the guards greets you and says that you've incurred a great debt. Janine destroyed something that belongs to Skull-Kicker and you'll need to find a way to pay off the debt very quickly!

S09E10 // Rofflenet[]

Discussion regarding this mission can be found on Rofflenet


[crowd chatters, guards blow whistles]

GUARD 1: Stop them!

GUARD 2: Don’t let them get away!

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Sam, the city guards are catching up.

GUARD 2: Over there!

SAM YAO: Keep running. We wrecked a tea tent, let a zombie loose in the souk, destroyed a hard drive, and stole a briefcase! The city guards are only doing their job. But if they catch us - [shouts]

MARYAM ABANI: What is it?

SAM YAO: A stabbing pain in my head. Maybe - [high-pitched voice] Too hot, too hot.


SAM YAO: I didn’t mean to say that. It’s the tea! It didn’t just cause amnesia, it’s making me lose control!

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Maryam’s a doctor, she’ll take a look at you once we’re safe. In the meantime, what about Janine, Peter, and Mo? We have to find them if we’re going to piece together what happened last night and get Veronica back.

SAM YAO: We don’t even know if they made it over the border. Either way, we’re no use to them with the guards on our tail.

MARYAM ABANI: Look, the main square. A huge crowd’s gathered. We-we could lose the guards there. Come on!

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Everyone’s staring up at something. Oh, the biggest dome in the square’s on fire. Someone’s standing next to it. They don’t look too steady on their feet. [gasps] It’s Janine!

SAM YAO: What’s she doing up there?


FRANCES DEMPSEY: Someone just shot at her! Oh, they missed. She’s running away!

SAM YAO: We’ve got to catch up with her before they try again.

MARYAM ABANI: This way, through the crowd. Run!


[crowd chatters]

SAM YAO: Okay, this is the building with the burning dome. Yeah, looks like there’s an alley down the side.


MARYAM ABANI: Shh! Frances, people are looking for her! And us.

JANINE DE LUCA: Miss Dempsey, is that you?

SAM YAO: Janine, we’re coming!

JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Yao, Runner Five, Dr….

MARYAM ABANI: Abani, but call me Maryam.

JANINE DE LUCA: Thank you, Dr. Abani. I’m relieved to see you all.

SAM YAO: Janine, what were you doing on that roof? Why was the dome on fire?

JANINE DE LUCA: I think I meant to create a distraction, but I can’t remember what for.

FRANCES DEMPSEY: We’ve all got gaps in our memories.

SAM YAO: And uh… we’ve lost Veronica.

JANINE DE LUCA: What? Oh, this is my fault. I should never have drunk anything without fully understanding its properties!

MARYAM ABANI: Oh, no no no, it-it’s my fault for offering it to you. I’m so sorry, I thought it was mint.

JANINE DE LUCA: The situation is unfortunate, but we must focus on resolving it, not apportioning blame, Dr. Abani.

SAM YAO: Anything you remember could help us do that, Janine.

JANINE DE LUCA: I crossed the border alone, leaving Miss McShell with Mr. Lynne and Mr. Boujettif. I remember buying an approved headset inside the city and running through the streets.


PETER LYNNE: Okay. God, okay. This must be – yes. Is – uh, hello, is this the right button? Janine, do you copy? Over.

JANINE DE LUCA: I read you, Mr. Yao.

PETER LYNNE: Well actually, we discussed this, Janine. You see, it’s Peter here. You see, Sam is… Sam is busy. What is your - where are you?

JANINE DE LUCA: I’m running on polished flagstones surrounded by tiled archways and mechanized carts.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: You’re in the central square. When the guard changes watch, set off the alarm at the guard post to the south. This will attract many guards to where you are.

PETER LYNNE: Giving us the window we need here at the border.

JANINE DE LUCA: What do you need a window for again?

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: We went over this. We need to get Veronica -

PETER LYNNE: Mo, no. Trust me, don’t confuse her. Janine, um, just have to get to the guard post, okay? Run!


JANINE DE LUCA: I’m in position, Mr. Yao.

PETER LYNNE: It’s Peter, your… okay, doesn’t matter. Um, can you see the guard post?

JANINE DE LUCA: Yes. I must say, that formulation is very shoddy. Multiple gaps in their line of sight, patrol patterns all over the place.

PETER LYNNE: Okay, good. That should make it easier for you to trip the alarm without being seen.

JANINE DE LUCA: Yes, but what then? These guards are clearly ill-disciplined. If I set the alarm off, the guard station at the border might not even respond.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Please just stick to the plan.

JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Boujettif, your last plan resulted in us losing contact with Miss Dempsey and Dr. Abani. I have decades of military experience and I’m going to find a better distraction.

PETER LYNNE: Janine, listen to me. Stop, okay? Mo knows the city.

JANINE DE LUCA: And I know subterfuge.

PETER LYNNE: Please, just at least tell us where you’re going. And-and be quick, the battery on this headset is running out.

JANINE DE LUCA: I’m running through formal gardens. That’s a rather ostentatious fountain.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: What does it look like?

JANINE DE LUCA: Hm? Oh, it’s round and marble, mirrored tiles around the edge and a changing LCD light display beneath it. Complete waste of water and energy.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Stop! If you don’t turn back immediately -

JANINE DE LUCA: Come in, Mr. Boujettif, Mr. Yao? I need a better vantage point. I’m going to climb up that trellis onto the roof. Over!


[foliage rustles]

JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Yao, I’ve climbed the trellis. I’m now on the roof. There are electrical cables over my head and a dome in front of me. It’s 30 feet high, made of wood and plated with gold. What a waste. This could go towards thousands of electrical circuits. That gives me an idea, Mr. Yao. Mr. Yao, I’m going to start an electrical fire. It’ll attract the guards away from the border far more effectively than an alarm. [flames crackle] Mr. Yao, I’ve set the dome alight.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Janine, what have you done? That dome belongs to Skull-Kicker!

JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Boujettif! Did it work? [yawns] Do you read me? I’m going to take a… tactical… nap.

[present time]

JANINE DE LUCA: - and that’s all I remember.

SAM YAO: If Peter was operating comms for you, he can’t have been that badly affected by the tea.

JANINE DE LUCA: His condition accelerates his metabolism.

FRANCES DEMPSEY: So maybe he has Veronica. Maybe Janine’s distraction worked. Did he say where he’d be?

JANINE DE LUCA: I have this business card in my pocket.

MARYAM ABANI: It’s for a bar.

SAM YAO: Finally, some luck! Let’s get there before whoever shot at Janine catches up. Run!


[crowd chatters]

MARYAM ABANI: Here’s the bar on the business card Peter left. I’ve been here before. Amazing collection of vintage arcade machines.

SAM YAO: [high-pitched voice] Hot, hot, hot!

MARYAM ABANI: Sam, are you all right?

SAM YAO: No, no, I feel dizzy. I’m-I’m just going to sit down outside while you all go in and look for Peter.

JANINE DE LUCA: Very well, Mr. Yao.

[door opens, arcade machine beep]

PETER LYNNE: Oh, Janine, thank goodness. Uh, Frances and Five too, obviously. I have been worried sick. And uh, Maryam, was it? Uh, look. Here, I’ve got you all some orange juice.

MARYAM ABANI: Oh, thank God.

PETER LYNNE: And next is some aspirin.


PETER LYNNE: And finally, a raw egg with a slosh of hot sauce from the market!

JANINE DE LUCA: I think we’ve all learned our lesson about drinking strange concoctions.

PETER LYNNE: Well, suit yourself. More for me. Wait, um, where’s Sam?

FRANCES DEMSPEY: Oh, his head was hurting. He’s just waiting outside.

PETER LYNNE: Is he wearing his cold cap?

MARYAM ABANI: What cold cap?

PETER LYNNE: Oh no no no no no no! Out of the bar!

[door opens]

SAM YAO: Peter! Oh, am I glad to see you!

PETER LYNNE: There’s no time, Sam. We’ve got to get you to the fish market!

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Fish market? Why?

PETER LYNNE: There’s no time to explain, just run!


SAM YAO: Peter, I don’t understand. Why are we in a fish market? Can we slow down? I’ve got the worst headache.

PETER LYNNE: Sam, listen to me. Get to that fish counter and stick your head in the ice now.

SAM YAO: What? That’s someone’s stall, Peter. They’ve laid the fish out all nicely. And I don’t feel great. I’d rather not.

[PETER picks SAM up, SAM yelps]

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Did Peter just pick Sam up?

JANINE DE LUCA: He’s very strong.

[SAM shouts, PETER dunks SAM in ice]

MARYAM ABANI: Peter just submerged Sam’s head in that pile of ice.

FISHMONGER: Hey, you ruined my stall!

PETER LYNNE: I’m sorry, but it’s an emergency, okay? Just a few more seconds.

[SAM yelps, PETER dunks SAM in ice again]

MARYAM ABANI: Peter, stop!

SAM YAO: [coughs] Peter, what was that for?

PETER LYNNE: If I hadn’t done that, you would be dead.


PETER LYNNE: Sam, Veronica is inside your head. It was the only way to get her over the border. Last night, Janine created a distraction so I’d be able to get Veronica out of the briefcase and under your scalp without being seen.

SAM YAO: What.

PETER LYNNE: Yes, well, ideally a doctor would have carried out the surgery, but Maxine’s miles away fighting a measles epidemic.

MARYAM ABANI: And I was off chasing goats. I can’t apologize enough.

PETER LYNNE: Uh, that’s fine. Um, Veronica talked me through it, actually. She-she needed access to your greater occipital nerve so she could interface with your brain, you see. Fortunately, cactus tea is a potent anesthetic, hooray! Unfortunately, we did have to remove most of Veronica’s components, so she needed to recompile overnight and that’s an intensive process that could have/was causing your brain to overheat, short-circuiting her and killing you. And we’d have lost you both if I hadn’t done the right thing and cooled your head in time.

SAM YAO: Well, wasn’t there any other way to get her into New Agadir?

PETER LYNNE: [laughs] Well, not after the way you all acted. The guards were on high alert.


PETER LYNNE: Janine, we went through this. My regenerating body or your nanites might have rejected Veronica. Five is our chief runner. So that leaves Sam.

SAM YAO: [high-pitched voice] Let me talk.

FRANCES DEMPSEY: No one’s stopping you, Sam.

PETER LYNNE: It’s not Sam, it’s Veronica. Sam, just relax.

SAM YAO: Hang on a minute! It’s… [sighs] Fine.

VERONICA MCSHELL: Sam, even though your brain is poorly optimized, I’ve been able to recalibrate my systems to operate on it at a reduced capacity. I’m going to have to reorganize your cerebral cortex… but further explanation will have to wait. There’s a high probability that guards are closing on your area.

SAM YAO: What? Sorry, Veronica, what-what are you doing to my cerebral cortex?

GUARD: It’s the fire starter! After her!

PETER LYNNE: Oh God, they’ve caught up with Janine. Run!


[crowd chatters]

MARYAM ABANI: They’re gaining on us!

PETER LYNNE: Quick, down this alley.

FRANCES DEMPSEY: It’s a dead end!

SAM YAO: Oh, what are we gonna do?

VERONICA MCSHELL: Stop running. Put your hands up. If you don’t surrender, there’s an overwhelming probability of you all being shot.

JANINE DE LUCA: Fine, everyone do as Miss McShell says.

PETER LYNNE: They’re coming towards us. Ten of them, at least.

SAM YAO: They’ve got Mo. But he didn’t do anything wrong!

GUARD: Hello, Colonel De Luca. You owe our employer a lot of money.

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Your employer? We thought you were the city guards.

GUARD: The city guards have been after your group before, but we are involved now, and they know better than to interfere with our business. We work for Skull-Kicker, the woman whose dome you destroyed, Colonel. It was very expensive.

JANINE DE LUCA: I understand. Fortunately, my associate Mr. Boujettif, whom I can see you’ve met, has a fund to cover our expenses.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Not anymore. After I paid for the hotel bill you walked out on and the many, many damages you’ve been responsible for over the last 12 hours, there wasn’t anything left. You’ve incurred a terrible debt to – forgive me – the most vengeful crime boss in the city, and mere hours after I finally squared my account with her.

GUARD: So unless you want to end up like the last people who owed her money -

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Drawn and quartered, so they say.

SAM YAO: What?

GUARD: - you’re going to have to find a way to pay it off, quickly.



The following supplies can be found in this mission.

(List may be incomplete.)

Bandages Bandages
Box of Lightbulbs Box of Lightbulbs
Laptop Laptop
Matches Matches
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone
Pain Meds Pain Meds
Paintbrush Paintbrush
Power Cable Power Cable
Shirt Shirt
Shorts Shorts
Sports Bra Sports Bra
Tampons Tampons
Tool Box Tool Box
Umbrella Umbrella
Vitamins Vitamins

Base Unlocks[]

The following objects unlock for your Base upon completing this mission.

Rock Climbing Wall

  • Description: Devotees of rock climbing and bouldering will be thrilled with Abel Township's new rock climbing wall! For those new to the sport and nervous about scaling a 15 meter wall, never fear - the harnesses and safety equipment are top of the line, and there are classes available for those who need a little extra support. There are also plenty of more approachable climbs with padded floors where newbies can get to grips with the basics without risking injury. Swing by with your most trusted spotter, blow off some steam, and try your hand at defying gravity!
  • Cost: 30 supplies, 3 materials
  • Effect: Increases morale.


  • Description: Though definitely one of the more... unexpected bits of equipment ever salvaged by a group of Runners, Abel's trampoline has been a smash hit with the township's young and young at heart. Dr Myers is anxious to avoid any trampoline-related injuries, however, so Janine has instituted some safety guidelines when getting one's bounce on. Rule 1: Only one person on the trampoline at a time. Rule 2: Children under six should not use a full-size trampoline. Rule 3: Under NO circumstances should you double bounce or allow yourself to be double bounced. (Unless, as Sam points out, you happen to be fending off a zombie - in which case double bounce that zom to smithereens!)
  • Cost: 30 supplies, 1 material
  • Effect: Increases morale.
Previous: Last Night Next: Heartbreak Hotel