Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

Mullins Military Base is a settlement located to the north of Abel Township. Mullins has some involvement in Project Greenshoot.


Early Apocalypse[]

Sara Smith arrived at Mullins just after the first outbreak.[1]

The person who will become Runner Five arrived at Mullins not long after the start of the apocalypse.[2]

Mullins Military Base gave people injections that they said were vaccines for the zombie virus.[1]

Season One[]

Mullins assigns Runner Five to Project Greenshoot and sends them to Abel Township, although Mullins doesn't brief Five on what exactly Project Greenshoot is. Mullins tells Abel that the helicopter is carrying supplies, although it only has half the supplies that they say it does. On the way to Abel, the helicopter is shot down by a rocket launcher.[3]

Runner Five survives but Mullins is unwilling to send another helicopter to pick them up out of fear of another rocket launcher attack.[2][4]

Season Two[]

The scientists at Mullins have been working on modifying the effects of the zombie virus. Major de Santa brings this information back to Abel, and Doctor Myers combines it with the research into a vaccine to create a formula that temporarily slows down fast zombies.[5]

Mullins sends some equipment to Bert Airfield for Abel Township to use in testing the anti-zombie spray.[6]

Season Four[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Season 1 Mission 9: Recovery
  2. 2.0 2.1 Season 1 Mission 3: Lay of the Land
  3. Season 1 Mission 1: Jolly Alpha Five Niner
  4. Season 1 Abel Township Race Mission 1: Ultra-Violet: 5K - Sam Yao: "[Mullins has] been leery of sending anything out since the rocket launcher attack."
  5. Season 2 Mission 3: Walking On Broken Glass
  6. Season 2 Mission 35: Dog Days Are Over