Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

Eugene Woods runs Abel Townships's radio station, Radio Abel along with his partner Jack Holden. At some point prior to the start of Season 1, Eugene lost his left leg. He has a tattoo of a Velvet Underground lyric (from 'All Tomorrow's Parties') on his shoulder and a shippo (ship hippo) on his left, now amputated, calf.



Eugene shared his middle name with his father, Ben. 

Eugene was a food critic for a Canadian newspaper on assignment in England.

Early Apocalypse[]

At the start of the oubreak, Eugene had intended to head to a friend's farm near Nottingham with the hope of holing up there until he was able to return home. However his car ran out of petrol before he could get there, stranding him in Hampshire. After grabbing whatever he could carry, he began to walk. This brought him into close proximity with a group of zombie ravers. While escaping, he tripped over a sleeping Jack Holden, who had managed to sleep through the apocalypse. Knowing that they were in danger, Eugene held out his hand and said "Come with me if you want to live", and the two have remained companions since then.[1]

Jack and Eugene traveled with three hedge fund managers who were impressively prepared for the apocalypse. One night, as they were sheltering in a bookstore, they heard a sort of groaning, choking noise from the back. Thinking it was a zombie, Jack grabbed his cricket bat, W.G., and led the way to the back - only to discover one of the men, Shawn, who had gorged himself on marshmallows and was now vomiting them all up. Shawn looked up and said, "I used to love these things!" and Jack casually leaned on his cricket bat and replied, "Not anymore!"[2]

Jack and Eugene traveled for a while with a man named Zach. Zach used a garden fork as a weapon, but it was very difficult for him to clean the zombie gore off of it. He eventually tripped and scratched his leg on the fork, causing him to become infected.[3]

Eugene lost his left leg when after making a camp fire to keep warm, he and Jack were attacked by bandits. He lost his foot first when a machete went through. Overtime it got infected and he had to get his leg amputated.

Season One[]

Jack and Eugene begin hosting their own radio show from Abel Township. They give their listeners updates on which areas are dangerous and which are safe. But after a short time, Major de Santa tells them that they have to stop broadcasting in order to conserve the generator fuel.[4]

After the newest runner, Runner Five, brings more fuel back to Abel, Jack and Eugene are able to begin broadcasting again - although Major de Santa does tell them to include more "public service content".[5]

Jack and Eugene set up a new service called "Z-Bay" to help people to trade items and services with one another.[6]

Jack and Eugene host a series on their alternate frequency where they teach the listener how to set up ROFFLENet.[7]

Jack and Eugene join Maxine's Demons and Darkness campaign along with Sam, Five, and possibly Jody.[8]

Once they have the proper equipment for it, Jack and Eugene record a series they call "Abel Minds", where they go around asking the residents of Abel various questions.[9]

Eugene falls ill with food poisoning after eating some spoiled Spam. He has to spend a few days recovering in the hospital, leaving Jack to host the show alone.[10]

Jack and Eugene solicit recorded messages from their listeners and are pleased with the number and variety of responses they get.[11]

Eugene hosts a series called "This Zombie Life" where various people recount events that they have experienced in the apocalypse.[12]

Season Two[]

Jack goes missing after the rocket launcher attack on Abel Township. Eugene joins the comms team to help with the search parties. He sends Runners Three and Five out to search the riverbed where Jack was last seen. Eugene is horrified when they discover signs of a struggle, one of Jack's shoes, and then the broken and bloodied handle of Jack's beloved cricket bat, W.G. The runners follow the trail, which leads them to a man named Powell. Powell describes how he saw Jack getting attacked by a horde of zombies, and when he says how Jack's bat broke in the middle of fighting them off, Eugene immediately assumes the worst. But then Powell says that he was the one who saved Jack and leads the runners to a nearby house. Jack is there, to Eugene's relief - and anger. He demands to speak with Jack; Five gives Jack their headset and Eugene immediately starts berating Jack for not sending a message to say he was still alive.[13]

Eugene spends the night scolding Jack. Jack insists that he asked the owner of Birkmyre Estate, Beatrix Ramsay, to send a message to Abel and she promised she would...except she obviously didn't. Jack explains to Eugene how these people could be useful at Abel, especially Beatrix's daughter Bella, who has experience with chemical engineering and could help clean up Abel's water supply. Jack has been trying to convince them to come to Abel, but they all seem reluctant to leave the building for some reason, particularly Beatrix. In the morning, Eugene relays this information to Runner Five and tells them that they need to figure out why Beatrix is being so stubborn about staying at Birkmyre Estate. The runners and Jack help Powell with some zombie-trapping, but a mishap with a gun leads to a swarm of zombies and everyone retreats back to the house.[14]

Eugene frantically asks for a report as the runners and Jack begin barricading the house. Jack does his best to reassure Eugene. Simon requests backup, and Eugene tells him that three runners are on their way with noisemakers. As everyone tries to convince Beatrix to leave, she finally explains that there's a family tradition saying that Britain will not fall so long as a Ramsay is in Birkmyre. Fed up, Bella knocks out Beatrix and Simon volunteers to carry her. Powell leads the group through a tunnel to safety and they all head back to Abel together.[15]

Eugene gets Runner Five to escort him and Jack outside of Abel to interview the North London Girl Guides. Jack is less than thrilled about this and he argues with Eugene as they search for the Guides. They get chased by some unexpected zombies but are saved by the Girl Guides themselves. One of the leaders, Charlie, agrees to be interviewed.[16]

Bandits invade Abel Township and threaten to kill Janine if they don't get some of Maxine's anti-zombie spray. To help Runner Five and Simon stay hidden and stop the bandits, Jack and Eugene volunteer to take a barrel of the spray to the bandit leader.[17]

Season Three[]

Season Four[]

Season Five[]

Season Ten[]

The Home Front[]

Supply Missions[]

Entertainment Run[]

  • Eugene and Dr. Myers ask for a Scrabble set and a dictionary.
  • Eugene wants blankets for a blanket fort.



Jack Holden[]

Jack and Eugene are married.

Sam Yao[]

Phil Cheeseman[]

Zoe Crick[]



  • On the Rofflenet board for the Halloween! Virtual Race, Eugene's username is wedancewheneverweareabel.[18]



  1. Season 1 Radio Mode: ""If You Want To Live"
  2. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Not Anymore"
  3. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Quiet Is Key"
  4. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Radio Abel is Off Air"
  5. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Public Service Content"
  6. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Zee-Bay"
  7. Season 1 Radio Mode: "ROFFLENET"
  8. Season 1 Mission 15: Virtuous Circle
  9. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Abel Minds"
  10. Season 1 Radio Mode: "To The Doctor!"
  11. Season 1 Radio Mode: "Erase You From My Mind"
  12. Season 1 Radio Mode: "This Zombie Life"
  13. Season 2 Mission 5: Ghosts
  14. Season 2 Mission 6: Let The Dogs Come Out
  15. Season 2 Mission 7: Mummy's Hand
  16. Season 2 Side Mission 8: Interview With a Girl Guide
  17. Season 2 Mission 30: Panic
  18. Zeefax board on Rofflenet