Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

"Dos Oruguitas" is the twenty-fifth mission of Season 9.

Your helicopter awaits, but you aren't alone in your escape.



Until Dawn[]

The bikes have finally run out of fuel, but Mo and Frances are going to push them as far as possible to lay a false trail and buy you a bit more time. Your next transport is a mini-helicopter, waiting nearby. Frances reports that Red Scorpion searched the glass dunes and found the point where the glass smashed and assumed you fell in. They sent in soldiers to investigate. The plan is working! If you reach the helicopter by dawn, you'll be able to vanish without a trace. Get running!


The path is steep and Ernie worries you won't make it before dawn. He implies he's worried that you'll leave him behind. Maryam says you won't do that, and when Ernie says it's just how his mind works, she says that minds are plastic and you can learn to make them work differently. You hear a rockfall nearby and spot one of the Red Scorpion supersoldiers on an overhang. You still have the anti-tank rifle and if you aim for the bottom of the overhang you should be able to bring the soldier down with it. You drop the soldier about 100 feet, but it won't slow them down for long.


Sam is keeping an eye on the soldier. It's moving quite slowly over the unstable ground, but it will have summoned Guillemette. Ernie realises that the soldiers were made out of his cell cultures to help them heal very quickly. Veronica takes over and says the supersoldier is using its grappling claws to catch up with you. It's trying to fire on you, but doesn't have a good vantage yet. It seems to be missing its shots, but Ernie notices that it's shooting birds, and aiming for a seam of quartz nearby. Veronica thinks she can hack the soldier and use its kill switch. Keep moving!

Abort, Retry, Fail?[]

Something is definitely wrong with the supersoldier, and it may be due to the virus Maryam implanted at the base. Veronica thinks it's completely cut off from Red Scorpion base. It calls out for Ernest, and Ernie is shocked that it uses his name. Unfortunately, it can still fire rockets. Not long until dawn!

A Kind Thought[]

Ernie asks you if the supersoldier is in pain. It shouldn't be possible, but Veronica says it might happen if the supersoldier was already malfunctioning and rejecting the augments. If that's the case, it would be in a lot of pain. It begs Ernest for help, and Ernie tells you to keep moving and he'll stay behind and see if he can figure out a way to end its suffering. He worries that killing is his first thought, but Maryam says that in this case, it's a kind thought. Unfortunately, the soldier isn't rational and is as likely to kill him!

A Moment of Kindness[]

Veronica says that if you take out a specific augment, the supersoldier will stop suffering. Ernie tells you and Maryam leave in the helicopter if you're in any danger while he tries to shut the soldier down. Ernie approaches the supersoldier, and manages to communicate with her. He offers to help, and she agrees. He's able to remove the augment and allow her to die peacefully. Maryam praises Ernie for his kindness, but he just wants to get away from here. The signal from the tracker goes off. You need to get going.


[motorcycle engine turns over but fails to start]

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Yeah, it was a bit much to expect that the bikes would suddenly have grown more petrol in their tanks overnight.

ERNEST VAN ARK: No, it's sometimes worth trying with an engine. Once it’s cold, fluid vapors can settle in the lines and then you can get a little more out of them.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: It was a noble idea. Frances, it is not long until dawn. Time for you and I to lay a false trail.

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Yeah, we’re going to try and push the bikes as far as we can, at least downhill. Leave a trail making it look like you went the other way, towards the forest, Five.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Meanwhile, on the tabletop of the mountain, your next transport. The mini helicopter Maryam and I landed there this morning.

ERNEST VAN ARK: This plan is working, then? Red Scorpion don’t know where we are?

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Yeah. Good news overnight. They were searching the glass dunes, they found where the glass was smashed and thought we must have got stuck there. They’re sending soldiers beneath the glass to hunt for us. If you just keep doing what you’re doing, Five, just keep moving every morning at dawn as soon as your tracker bip goes, I think we’ll do it.

ERNEST VAN ARK: So all we need to do is reach the mountain top by dawn.

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: And your transport will leave no trace. You will have vanished like the jinn in the desert.

MARYAM ABANI: This is it, then. Five, Ernie, we’ll go up the mountain together. Mo, Frances, will we see you again?

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Inshallah, one final time before the journey ends. The caravan with which my wife and children travel is passing to the west tomorrow. Frances and I will join it then and travel in safety to the Maghreb.

FRANCES DEMPSEY: Good luck, Ernie. Good luck, Five. You can do it!

MARYAM ABANI: We’ll see you at the next dawn. Now run!


ERNEST VAN ARK: Are you sure we can make it before dawn? This path is quite steep.

MARYAM ABANI: Just keep up this pace. We’re not leaving you, if that’s what you’re worried about.

ERNEST VAN ARK: I think I… it’s not how my mind works. Not naturally, anyway.

MARYAM ABANI: Brains are plastic. You can learn to make your mind work differently. Have you ever seen a group of three-year-olds trying to share a toy? They don’t know how. On the set of my TV show, I once had to break up a fight over a stuffed giraffe live on air. But we teach them how to share. They learn.

ERNEST VAN ARK: I suppose I really am only four or five years old, actually. I - what was that?

MARYAM ABANI: A rock fall. But what…? Oh no!

ERNEST VAN ARK: A Red Scorpion augmented soldier above us on that overhang. It’s… it’s very large, isn’t it? They never let me see them up close.

SOLDIER: Enemies of Red Scorpion, halt.

MARYAM ABANI: We can’t fight it, Five. Look at the way the hydraulics of its arm merge with the flesh of its chest! It’s more machine than person! Our weapons would be useless against it. But your anti-tank rifle… you have some ammo left, don’t you?

ERNEST VAN ARK: Yes. The physics work. If you aim for the bottom of the overhang she’s standing on, Five, the whole thing will come down, and her with it.

SOLDIER: This unit’s instructions have been disregarded. Lethal countermeasures authorized.

MARYAM ABANI: Fire, Five! [explosion] You did it! It’s fallen 100 feet below us, but it won’t stay down there for long. We have to hurry, run!


SAM YAO: Okay… okay! Hi! Uh, yeah, I got your call. I can see what’s happening via the satellites, Maryam. Keep moving. I’ll give you the status report. Um… okay. Could be worse, given there’s a super soldier climbing up a mountain behind you. It’s moving… moving quite slowly.

MARYAM ABANI: The mountain is fairly unstable. It’s probably assessing the terrain. And it will already have summoned Guillemette. Red Scorpion will be on their way now. Maybe its orders are to wait for backup.

ERNEST VAN ARK: Those things were made out of my cell cultures, weren’t they?

SAM YAO: Augmented somehow, yeah, with stuff they took from you to make them heal very fast. Okay. Okay. I’m-I’m gonna let Veronica take over just for a bit. This feels like your department, Ronnie.

VERONICA MCSHELL: Thank you, Sam. Yes. Okay. The super soldier is using its grappling claws to ascend the side of the mountain.


MARYAM ABANI: It’s firing at us!

VERONICA MCSHELL: Keep moving. It doesn’t have a good vantage point to target you yet. Only a 2% chance of hitting you.

MARYAM ABANI: Its shots are going wide.

ERNEST VAN ARK: They’re not. It’s hitting its target every time. Can’t you see, falling out of the sky, all those little bodies?

MARYAM ABANI: It’s… firing at the birds? Something weird is going on. Now it seems to be aiming for that seam of quartz to our left.

VERONICA MCSHELL: Okay, keep moving. Those super soldiers have a kill switch implanted in them. I think I can hack into it and turn it off. You need to be out of its range. Those wild shots might still hit you as it ascends the mountain. Run!



SOLDIER: [with difficulty] Stop. Stop.

MARYAM ABANI: That super soldier is not right. Look at it. It’s following us, but sometimes it’s walking backwards down the mountain.

ERNEST VAN ARK: Is this what you did when you -


ERNEST VAN ARK: You said you implanted a virus into the super soldiers.

MARYAM ABANI: Yes, to stop their augments from working properly.


ERNEST VAN ARK: Do you think that one could have been out of Red Scorpion all this time?

MARYAM ABANI: Veronica, have you managed to connect to it?


VERONICA MCSHELL: It’s… it’s not responding in a normal way. It should be giving me orderly replies to preset commands. Instead, it’s confused. I don’t think it can communicate with Red Scorpion at all.

SOLDIER: [with difficulty] Ernest. Ernest. Stop. Ernest.

ERNEST VAN ARK: It knows my name.


VERONICA MCSHELL: It’s also firing rockets at you. You have to keep moving!

SOLDIER: Ernest, stop.

VERONICA MCSHELL: It’s not long until dawn, and then Red Scorpion really will be on their way. Please, keep running!

SOLDIER: Ernest.



ERNEST VAN ARK: Runner Five, does it look to you as if that augmented soldier is… in pain?

MARYAM ABANI: That ought not to be possible. The augments suppress their pain and emotions.

SOLDIER: [with difficulty] Ernest, stop. Help me.

VERONICA MCSHELL: They’re not supposed to be able to do that.

MARYAM ABANI: Is it what I did? Have I done this to all of them?

VERONICA MCSHELL: No! No, I-I’ve looked at the virus you installed. It… it takes power from the augments. It couldn’t cause this sort of code breakdown. Unless… one of them was already malfunctioning, the augments already not properly installed, the body already rejecting them. Then… then maybe -

SOLDIER: [with difficulty] Ernest, help me. Help me.

VERONICA MCSHELL: If it’s rejecting the augments, the pain would be excruciating. But the augments have taken over the work of some of the vital organs…

SOLDIER: Ernest, please.

ERNEST VAN ARK: It’s calling for me. Runner Five, you can go to the helicopter. I can stay here. I think I can… [sighs] I don’t think there’s any way back for it, but maybe I can work out a way to end its life, put it out of its suffering.


ERNEST VAN ARK: Is that him again? The easiest way to end things is killing! My stupid, ugly brain!

MARYAM ABANI: No, I think… I think what you’re saying is kind. But it’s not behaving rationally. It’s as likely to kill you, Ernie, and if we leave you here, Red Scorpion will be here soon. Please, Five, lead the way. Just keep moving. It’s not long now until dawn.

SOLDIER: Ernest…


ERNEST VAN ARK: So the augment at the back of the skull is the one. Without that, brain functions cease?

VERONICA MCSHELL: Yes. All I can see in the schematics tells me if you can get that augment out, it… its pain will be over.

ERNEST VAN ARK: All right. We’re at the top of the mountain now. Five, you get into the helicopter. You too, Maryam. Just… look, just give me a moment or two with it. If you’re in danger, just take off, okay?

MARYAM ABANI: We’ve no option, Five. The bip is going to sound from your tracker at dawn in 90 seconds.

ERNEST VAN ARK: All right, look, my hands are up. [gunshots] Okay, I can see what you’re doing. You’re firing at the sky, not at me. Are you hurting?

SOLDIER: [with difficulty] Ernest. Hurting, hurting everywhere…

ERNEST VAN ARK: I can take the chip from the back of your neck, and then you will… you’ll stop hurting. Do you understand, though? That will be the end. The end of your life.

SOLDIER: [with difficulty] Yes. End. End of watch. Lights out. Day is done. Sleep.

MARYAM ABANI: 45 seconds until the bip.

ERNEST VAN ARK: It’s okay. It’s okay. Do you have a name?

SOLDIER: [with difficulty] Don’t remember.

ERNEST VAN ARK: I see your serial number here. 2759. Turn around, 2759. Yes, I see it. I’m going to take out this augment now, 2759. Day is done. Sleep. There. That’s done. Sleep now, 2759. Return to the earth.

MARYAM ABANI: That was… that was really good, Ernie. You calmed her. In her last moments, someone touched her with kindness. That’s-that’s worth something. [tracker beeps] That’s it. Dawn. Red Scorpion know where we are again. Come on, Ernie, into the copter. I’m starting the engine.

ERNEST VAN ARK: They made her that way out of me.


ERNEST VAN ARK: Take me away from here.

MARYAM ABANI: We’re heading home.



The following supplies can be found in this mission.

(List may be incomplete.)

9mm Ammo 9mm Ammo
Axe Axe
Bandages Bandages
Batteries Batteries
Book Book
Bottled Water Bottled Water
Box of Lightbulbs Box of Lightbulbs
Cutlery Cutlery
Flashlight Flashlight
Fuel Can Fuel Can
Hammer Hammer
Lock pick Lock pick
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone
Pain Meds Pain Meds
Prescription Pain Meds Prescription Pain Meds
Radio Radio
Sports Bra Sports Bra
Tent Tent
Tinned Food Tinned Food
Tool Box Tool Box
Trousers Trousers
Umbrella Umbrella
Underwear Underwear
Wild food Wild food

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