Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

"Cry for Help" is the first mission of Season 9.

There’s a security breach, Soldier 555, and you’re on the wrong side of it.



False Alarm[]

An alarm goes off as a security breach is announced in the base. General Bakari says that he’s noticed you and that you’re honourable; and also that you owe him for saving your squad. The General needs you to take something to the comms tower, but you’ll need to be fast before the false alarm is discovered.

Alternative Route[]

General Bakari guides you into a storage bay, but you’ll need to hide from the disgruntled soldiers performing a search. The General tells you about his adopted children, Jane and Tom, and how they got him into trouble with the government, forcing him to flee the country. Red Scorpion base was the perfect place to hide out, but now there is some information that needs to be released to the world. He has sent you with an encrypted message to send. Unfortunately, the area you’re in has been locked down. You’ll need to find an alternative route!

Motion Trackers[]

You make it out of the main compound and into the open, but your escape set off an alarm and patrols are honing in! You use the glare of the solar panels to try to hide, but the soldiers are using motion trackers and are breaking out the anti-zombie gear. Be ready to improvise and head towards the observatory.

Jump Down[]

You enter the observatory with the soldiers close behind. You throw a grenade and take out the stairs to slow them down, then head into the room with the telescope. You open the dome and jump down onto a maintenance gantry. It should take you close to the comms tower but you’ll have to hurry!

Sweet Escape[]

You reach the tower and start to transmit the message. General Bakari says that he’d rather not contact the UK, but he has nowhere else to turn. The soldiers are approaching, but the General has an extraction plan. You’ll need to head to the perimeter fence.

Beginning Transmission[]

The General says that you’ve done the uniform proud. He couldn’t let them catch you near the transmitter in case they found the message. He then announces your location to the base and says that you’re trying to escape with base secrets! He tells you to run because it will look more realistic and that you will be dying a hero. You hear soldiers approaching and General Bakari gives the order to terminate on sight.

S09E01 // Rofflenet[]

Discussion regarding this mission can be found on Rofflenet


[alarm blares, crowd of soldiers rushes around in response]

GENERAL BAKARI: [over intercom] Dispatch is green, green, green. I repeat, this is General Bakari reporting from guard station 39. Security breach detected on my monitor. Access violation at east loading hangar. Full response dispatch is green, green, green.

[gate slams, crowd noise dissipates, alarm continues, GENERAL BAKARI approaches 555]

Sorry about the din, soldier. Hell of an alarm on the base. I know you’re wondering why I asked you here. It’s 555, isn’t it? That nickname of yours. After your service number, I assume. 639555 is a bit of a mouthful.

I’ve noticed you’re a quiet one, soldier. Always liked that about you. We haven’t spoken much, but I haven’t forgotten saving your squad from those mountain bandits. You owe me, and everyone says you’re the honorable type. I need a favor. I want you to take something to the transmitter tower on the west side of Red Scorpion base. It’s a portable data drive. I’ll explain more when you’re en route.

You know what security’s like in the complex, soldier. If anyone gets caught out of place, it’s shoot first, shoot second. Neither of us is cleared to access the tower, so this has to be done on the QT. I’ve set off a fake alarm to keep all the guards busy on the other side of Red Scorpion base. I’d go myself, 555, but I’m an old man with a bad leg, and the fake alert can’t last.

I’ve reviewed your performance logs. You’re faster than me. This is essential business, soldier. Trust me, lives are on the line. Head down that corridor toward the west side hangar door. I’ll be on your comms set guiding you. We have to be fast, before someone clocks the false alarm. Run!


[alarm blares, drone whirs]

GENERAL BAKARI: Don’t worry about the camera drone overhead, 555. I’ve commandeered it so I can follow you. Keep going through the storage bay past the metal crates. [running footsteps] Duck behind the crates, quickly!

FIRST SOLDIER: Three more storage bays to go.

SECOND SOLDIER: [speaks foreign language]

THIRD SOLDIER: Keep those eyes open, people.

GENERAL BAKARI: Six soldiers across the bay from you. Must be a stray patrol in the area. [a soldier whistles, running footsteps fade away] They’re moving on. Keep going straight, soldier, quick sharp.

You know, 555, I’d rather not be doing this. Breaking the rules. Before I was here, I was in the UK for a long time. Had children there, of sorts. Jane and Tom. Adopted them after their parents died. I did my best to rear them. There was a lot of trial and error, I admit. They turned out difficult, disruptive. Got me in trouble with a local government, left me needing to flee the country.

This place seemed like the perfect escape. Isolated, secure, nothing unauthorized in or out. A bastion of routine willing to take an old soldier. At least, willing to take one with knowledge of certain UK research programs.

[sighs] It’s been a sanctuary. I wish I could leave it undisturbed, but there’s something here that needs to get out into the world. The thumb drive I’ve given you holds an encrypted message. Link it to the base’s comm tower and the message will upload and send. The tower’s just beyond the west hangar door outside the compound, but once you’re there…

[gates rattle shut]

Damn! All the base exits are locking down. New orders from the head of security. The west hangar’s been secured, 555. We need an alternative route. Stay calm! There’s a fire exit near your position, needs to be locked manually. You can reach it before anyone else. Opens to the wrong part of the base. No choice. Down the stairs on your right, run!


[gate rattles open, alarm fades]

GENERAL BAKARI: That’s it, soldier, you’re out of the main compound and into the open. I’ve got my drone hovering nearby. Hell of a view, isn’t it? Sand stretching off in every direction. It’s easy to forget how alone we are out here, just a fence around a few gray buildings, surrounded by miles of empty nothing.

SOLDIER: Over here!


SOLDIER: This way.

GENERAL BAKARI: That sounds like… Let me check my security feeds. Damn! Using the fire door triggered an automatic fire alert. The base knows someone’s active in that area. Patrols are honing in. Look at that big greenhouse on your left, soldier. Guards are coming from that way. Turn right, 555. See the field of solar panels? Damn bright, aren’t they? Reflecting sunlight like flares. Head towards them. The glare’ll keep anyone from making visual contact. That’s it, keep your eyes on the ground. There’s dozens of those panels. Get lost in them.

Marvelous things, solar cells. Had to learn their workings to help Thomas with his homework once. Poor boy. Good at taking orders, but could be slow sometimes. Often ran afoul of bullies, needed someone to look after him.

SOLDIER: Triple check the area. Sweep for movement.

GENERAL BAKARI: The guards are searching the area you just left. Two squads. Stay low. If you can sneak across the solar field, the tower is nearby. [exosuits whir] Hell! The troops are using motion trackers. They’ve detected you. And those are fire team mechs, fully powered exosuits with heavy gun turrets. They’re breaking out the anti-zom gear. That’s not good.

It’s okay, 555. One thing I learned from children: always be ready to improvise. Cut northeast across the solar field toward the stellar observatory. You know, the building that looks like a golf ball on its tee? You can lose the soldiers there. They won’t fire on you in the panels. Go!


GENERAL BAKARI: That’s it, soldier. You’re in the observatory foyer. You’ll see a steel staircase leading up to a second floor balcony. Take it now. [footsteps on stairs] They won’t be able to fit the exosuits through the observatory entrance. You know how strict Red Scorpion base is about protecting equipment. That just leaves the troops on foot. [soldiers shout]

All right, 555. You’ve crested the stairwell. The troops are crowding through the entrance behind you. Throw a grenade. Aim it for the middle of the stairs. Trust me, do it! [grenade pin clinks, grenade explodes, soldiers scream, stairs shatter] Good job! The explosion scrapped the stairs. The soldiers are scattering. That’ll buy time. Head along the balcony through the double doors ahead.

[doors open and close] I’ve had to pull my drone back, 555. The soldiers might have noticed it. It’s funny, most of them don’t even know what they’re really protecting here, just following orders. You should be in a large domed room with a mounted telescope in the middle. Go to the leftmost control panel and hit the green switches. [switches click] The switches will open up the observatory dome. [walls roll open] Head to the seam where the dome walls are parting.

SOLDIER: Stop them! [other soldiers shout]

GENERAL BAKARI: Damn! The guards found another stairwell. Get right up to the opening, 555, and look down over the edge. You’ll see the observatory building beneath you. There’s a metal maintenance gantry wrapped around it. Jump down onto the gantry, go! [boots clatter on gantry] You’re down, good. The gantry spirals around the building. Follow it to the ground. You’ll end up a short way north of the transmitter tower. The soldiers have reached the telescope room. They’ll be coming down after you. Get down the gantry, then bolt south. You’ll see the tower. Fast as you can, go!


GENERAL BAKARI: I’ve got you on camera, soldier. You’re nearly there. See the transmitter up ahead? Looks like a huge radio antenna, doesn’t it? You’ve performed incredibly today, 555. I want you to know this was essential. We are reaching out for help. Red Scorpion base is keeping secrets that must get out.

All right, you’re at the tower. There’s a touch screen on its base. Plug in the thumb drive, then hit upload. [computer beeps] You’re probably wondering where this message is going, 555. I admit I’d rather not be reaching out to the UK, but I don’t have anywhere else to turn.

It was my father who first got me into the service. He taught me what it means to be a soldier. You’ve got to have a code. Country, honor, family, hope. A soldier fights for all these things with whatever means they have. Damn fool wouldn’t give up his cigars. Cancer got him, throat and lungs. Pneumonia finished him off. The way he just withered… He wouldn’t have been proud. He didn’t go out in uniform

[computer beeps] Ah, message uploading. It’ll take a few minutes to send. Don’t worry, soldier, I have an extraction planned for you. [soldiers shout, fire guns] The guards are catching up. Head to the southeast corner of the perimeter fence, fast as you can. I can get you out from there. Run!


GENERAL BAKARI: That’s the way, 555. Keep following the barbed wire fence straight forward. I have a lot of respect for you, 555. You do your uniform proud. It means something special, a uniform. My father taught me that. It means being part of a whole greater than yourself, joining others to be strong enough to serve. You’ve served well, soldier, but I couldn’t let them catch you near the transmitter. They might have found the message.

[over intercom] Attention, this is General Bakari, level three security adjunct. Emergency update to follow.

[over headset] I hope you understand, 555. Once the message is broadcast, the drive will wipe the data logs. Your mission is complete, and that’s what really matters.

[over intercom] Source of security breach confirmed as soldier 63955, currently at perimeter fence southeast corner. Target is absconding with base secrets.

[alarm blares, soldiers shout]

[over headset] Put the gun down, soldier. You don’t want to fight your own. It’s okay to run, it’ll look more convincing. I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but you’re going out a hero. That message could save countless lives. We may not have ended on good terms, especially Janine and me, but I know the De Lucas well. They won’t turn down a cry for help when there are innocents at stake.

[over intercom] 63955 is confirmed armed and extremely dangerous. Terminate on sight.

[over headset] That corner’s a dead end, 555. Nowhere to go. I salute you, soldier. You’ve done our countries proud.

[armed patrol approaches]

SOLDIER: Open fire.


GENERAL BAKARI: [very faint, over intercom] This is Bakari. Target down. Security breach resolved. All troops return to patrol positions. Repeat, return to patrol positions.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Data upload complete. Message tag: to Abel Township. Beginning transmission. Beginning transmission. Beginning transmission…



Hi Runner Five!

It’s Sam here! I know you’re out on a supply mission at the moment, but I just wanted to leave you this note in case I don’t see you when you get back. Paula and I were thinking of hosting a Demons and Darkness LARPing session some time in the coming week while Amelia’s away - any chance you might like to join? No pressure at all either way, I just thought this might be a fun way for everyone to blow off some steam now that we’re finally settled back at Abel. Plus, it’ll give me the opportunity to debut my wizard costume!

Come say hi when you get this, yeah? Even if it’s late and you think I might have already turned in for the night. I’m sure your mission’s going just fine, but… well, you know me. I guess I’m always going to be at least a little nervous when you’re away on these sorts of missions.



S09E01 Letter


The following supplies can be found in this mission.

(List may be incomplete.)

Bandages Bandages
Bottled Water Bottled Water
Cutlery Cutlery
Disposable camera Disposable camera
Matches Matches
Money Money
Pain Meds Pain Meds
Pot plant Pot plant
Power Cable Power Cable
Shorts Shorts
Tinned Food Tinned Food
Tool Box Tool Box
Trousers Trousers

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