Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

"Crossing the Line" is the thirtieth and final mission of Season 9.

Close to the border with your precious cargo, but the storm is clearing and you aren't sure which voices you can believe.



See You Soon[]

Guillemette tells you over the radio that she and her boss are impressed with you. The storm is dying down and they have Janine is custody. She lets Janine speak to you – she tells you to keep running. She tries to warn you about the ravine you need to cross, but is dragged away. Guillemette says that they have Sam and intercepted the person sent to retrieve Peter. She'll see you very soon.


The supersoldiers are still after you, but you briefly hear a message from Maxine telling you to cross the river. A supersoldier has picked up the signal and spotted you. Run!

Bared Teeth[]

You receive a communication from Valmont who says he came to help Sam but all the crossings upriver are controlled. Maxine says that she's over the bridge with people from the Maghreb and that Valmont offered to help you. You're nearly at the bridge, so keep going. She's seen a lot of sick people and the panacea could save so many lives. But there's a huge army chasing after you. They're trying to scare you and the Maghreb, but they will hold position.

End of the Line[]

The storm has died down completely so there's no more cover. You're at the bridge so you just need to get halfway. Something hits you in the back and sticks to you. Guillemette says it's administering drugs that will tranquilise you. You keep moving, but Red Scorpion blow up the bridge ahead and are coming after you. Maxine has an idea and tells you to keep going for the rubble.

White Rabbit[]

You hear your friends talking, but you think you might be hallucinating from the drugs. Guillemette says that if you go over the edge, you'll drown. Maxine says that Valmont has a speedboat and there is a river under the bridge. They're coming for you and will be waiting beneath the bridge. Keep going!

You Can Rest?[]

Maxine says you're close and Valmont says you'll have to jump into the water because they won't be there in time. The supersoldiers are getting close and you finally jump. You're dragged into the speedboat. You did it, Five! Did you hear that?


You wake up to Valmont saying you're in his office, but you're still weak. Guillemette enters, calling Valmont "Sir", and says that someone else slipped away. Valmont sounds displeased and kills Guillemette with a gun. She was a disappointment and you've been so entertaining running through his apocalypse. Yes, he was Red Scorpion's boss... and now he's yours. You belong to him, Five.


GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Are you there, Runner Five? I must admit, I admire your resolve, as I always have. Blinded by storm, wrapped in dust and darkness, pursued by an entire army, and still you run. Most people would have collapsed into a dispirited wreck by now. My boss is very impressed.

But it will not avail you. We have you in our sight. The storm has our scanners blunted, not blinded, and the storm is dying now. If you didn’t have valuable research in your blood, we would have shot you dead by now. This ends one way and one way only.

De Luca is here, if you’d like proof of that. I was just about to send her for a full debriefing. Anything to say, Janine?

JANINE DE LUCA: Five, it’s me. Do not give in! You have the USB and the panacea in your blood. You must get to Miss Abani. They will not follow you across the border. You could be there in minutes!

GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Oh yes, over the bridge to safety. Can you even see it, Five? Get De Luca out of here!

JANINE DE LUCA: Five, the bridge crosses a ravine. The ravine holds a river. Listen, Five – [shouts as she is knocked out and then dragged away]

GUILLEMETTE FELIS: She isn’t coming to help you, Five. No one is. We have your friends. Sam, left in the comms station. We found him. He’s still unconscious. Peter, left in the mountains. His rescuer was intercepted by our mercenaries. Your band of thieves stole vital research. Did you really think Red Scorpion wouldn’t search every inch of your trail?

Is that your plan? [scoffs] Veering toward a clump of rock formations? I bet you barely see them. Just looming shadows in the dark. They won’t obscure you long, Five. Perhaps you’ll hide from us for five minutes at most. I suppose you believe every minute makes a difference. I’ll see you very soon.


[mechanical legs whir and stomp]

SUPER SOLDIER: Command, squad nine reporting. Visibility still low. Rock formations all around. Target lost, hiding between them. Splitting team to search. Enhanced vision on full. Awaiting further support.

[Jeep engine rumbles]

LEADER: We’re near the bridge, so scour this smog. Fan out between the rocks. Keep your eyes on those scopes.

SOLDIER: Sir, yes sir!

SUPER SOLDIER: Rocks blocking thermal sight. Recommend we tell backup to encircle before the target slips away. Over.

MAXINE MYERS: Five, Five, are you there? It’s me, across the river.

SUPER SOLDIER: Signal intercept, comm ping, six of my location. Matches captured headsets. There. Heat profile on the move. All forces converge. Run the target down. Do not let it escape!


BRENT VALMONT: Five? Five! Are you receiving? Wave a hand if you are! Oh, thank God. It’s me, Five! Valmont to the rescue… sort of! I came for Sam. Took a fast plane and a stealth boat. Thought I might find another crossing point upriver, but they’re all buttoned up. Got a bit stuck.

MAXINE MYERS: Five, it’s Maxine. I’m over the bridge with the squad from the Maghreb Protectorate. Valmont volunteered to help us. Our night vision doesn’t like the storm. We couldn’t see or signal you until the weather started clearing. We’re nearly at the bridge. Keep going.

It is good to be back with you, Five. I’ve been up north treating measles outbreaks. Followed an epidemic into the protectorate. They all knew about me and they let me help their medical program. Maryam sent word that I’d be useful here.

I’ve seen a lot of sick people, Five. At borders and on beaches. International refugees, displaced locals. Survivors from the world over. Diseased, dying, hopeless. The panacea you’ve got, it’s the potential for a cure. Not just for the ailments. It’ll show the world our science can still work! This isn’t a new dark age. Our knowledge can save us. It’s hope, Five! That is what you’re carrying.

[flares explode]

Oh wow, Five. You’re out of the worst of the storm. It’s still hazy behind you and-and there are flares going up in the murk. A line of rising green lights showing… Oh. Oh no, th-that’s a huge army. There’s got to be thousands of soldiers, jeeps, mechs, tanks, squads of infantry, all charging after you. Oh, dear God, the scale of it! Showing us their numbers. It is a way to bare their teeth. We’ve only got a dozen soldiers here, but they daren’t cross the border. It’d start a war. We’ll hold position, Five. You’re almost at the bridge. Keep going no matter what!


MAXINE MYERS: Five, the storm has died down completely. No more wind cover, no more dust. You are totally exposed. Oh, damn! There’s a lot of starlight. Scopes don’t even need NV. That’s it, you’re at the bridge. Hurry! If you get past halfway, you’re over the line.


Five! Five’s hit. Five, are you all right? On your feet! Th-there’s something on your back j-just above your pack. A canister stuck to you with putty?

GUILLEMETTE FELIS: I see you got your gift, Five. Didn’t want to deploy it in the storm. Wind can throw off aim.

[canister beeps]

MAXINE MYERS: Is it beeping? Five, Five, you’re stumbling. What’s wrong?

GUILLEMETTE FELIS: The canister is administering injections, Five. The cocktail in your blood is sensitive. You need to be dosed in stages.

MAXINE MYERS: That thing’s tranquilizing you, Five. [sound slows, distorts] I can see it in the way you’re swaying. Fight it! For God’s sake, fight it! [sound returns to normal] That’s it, keep moving. You don’t have far to - oh no, Five. Incoming copters.


BRENT VALMONT: They blew up the bridge with missiles! A rather impressive barrage, to be honest!

GUILLEMETTE FELIS: There’s no way to their side now, Five. I held my forces back a bit to avoid driving you into the blast. No need for that now. We’re on the bridge behind you. There’s nothing you can do. [sound slows, distorts] I hope you understand that.

MAXINE MYERS: Five, Five, stay conscious. I have an idea. Valmont, you got here by boat, right? Five, just keep going. They blasted the bridge just before its midpoint. Head for the rubble. Get to where the bridge ends. It is not over yet. Go!


[rushing water, shouting, heartbeat]

[sound slows and fades until only the heartbeat is left]

SAM YAO: Uh, the tranq thing stopped beeping, Five. Must be empty. [echoes] You know, I hate to break this to you, but I think you might be… [high-pitched, distorted] hallucinating a little?

[bubbles pop]

FRANCES DEMPSEY: I mean, I don’t think this bridge should be lurching up and down like that, do you?

GUILLEMETTE FELIS: Stop running, Five. If you go over the edge of that bridge, you’ll drown. There’s enough tranquilizer in you to stun an elephant.

[elephant trumpets]

MARYAM ABANI: What? [?], what?

SAM YAO: Run! Run! Run!

[helicopters whir, mechanical legs stomp, bubbles pop]

VERONICA MCSHELL: Fading in and out here, Five. Wonder why you’re hearing us? [distorts] Probably just scrambled synapses in your brain.

[elephant trumpets]

MOHAMMED BOUJETTIF: Or perhaps you’re remembering who you’ll fail if you fall.

SAM YAO: I need help! I need help! Listen!

MAXINE MYERS: Five, are you receiving? Do you copy? I hope you can hear me. Listen, Valmont has a speed boat and there’s a river running under the bridge. We’re coming for you. The helicopters are pulling back. It’s too close to Protectorate airspace. Valmont, step on it.

[maniacal laughter]

JANINE DE LUCA: I think it’s sunrise, Five. Or the sky is bleeding. One of the two.

SAM YAO: [echoes] Hurry!

JANINE DE LUCA: [South African accent] Have you… got my voice wrong, Five? [own accent] It’s Moonchild in your head, isn’t it? Honestly, what have you [?]

MAXINE MYERS: Five, we’re speeding toward you. Just get to the end of the bridge. And Valmont and I’ll be waiting underneath. Focus, Five! Just one foot in front of the other. You’re close. Run!

[high-pitched voice whoops, Abel Township gate siren]


MAXINE MYERS: Five, concentrate. You’re at the middle of the bridge. Well, the end of the bridge now. Nothing there but rubble.

SAM YAO: Five!

BRENT VALMONT: Five, we’re going to be too late. You have to dive into the water. We’ll swing by and pick you up. Tuck the USB inside your clothes. You won’t be in the water for long. It’ll work!

[bell rings, spring bounces, animal roars]

MAXINE MYERS: We’re almost there, Five. They’re right on top of you. Stop swaying. Snap out of it! They’re going to grab you!

[mechanical legs whir and stomp]

SOLDIERS: Get back here! Get back here!

[helicopter whirs]

JANINE DE LUCA: I would jump, if I were you.

MAXINE MYERS: I said jump, Five. Off the bridge.


[wind whistles, footsteps crunch, water splashes and swirls]

MAXINE MYERS: Five, I’ve got you. I’ve got you. Floor it, Valmont! [speedboat engine revs] It is okay, Five. You did it! We’re pulling toward the other side of the river. That’s protectorate waters. They can’t touch us there. [laughs] You did it, Five! I’ve got the USB. You’ve got the data out. This is going to save millions. Oh, it is okay, Five. [echoes] You can rest. We’ll get you somewhere safe. You hear that, Five? It’s okay. You can rest.

[sound slows]


[fire crackles]

BRENT VALMONT: Five. Five, are you awake? [sighs] You gave me quite a scare there, Five. After we got off that boat, you wouldn’t wake for love nor money. No, it’s okay. Don’t try to sit up. You’re still weak. Do you… like the office? It’s one of my favorites. Fireplace, leather couch, fur rug. Classic look! Whiskey? I’ve got some nice ones. Oh, maybe not, eh? With all that magic in your blood.

[door opens]


BRENT VALMONT: I said not now, Guillemette!

GUILLEMETTE FELIS: I’m sorry, sir, but it’s urgent. The other one, she slipped away. I’ve got people looking -

BRENT VALMONT: Oh yes, really? And where have I heard that before? No, don’t tell me. It was when Five “slipped away” from you on the salt flat. You know, you had such a promising record, Guillemette. I heard such very good things. And yet you betray me!


[three gun shots, GUILLEMETTE collapses]

BRENT VALMONT: Damn! I should have said, “you fail me for the last time.” She has been such a disappointment, Five. She really had to go! But you… you’ve been adorable, so entertaining! All these years, running through all those wheels! I’d say my apocalypse was worth it just to find you. And yes, you almost took my panacea, but don’t worry. You’ll earn forgiveness.

Cheers. [clinks glass, sips, sighs] Oh, Five. You should see your face. Yes, Five. I was her boss! And now I’m yours! Because from this moment to forever, my dear, determined Runner, you belong to me!



Tranquiliser Canister

A small, now-empty canister that was thrown at your back as you attempted to escape Red Scorpion. The tranquilliser inside was powerful stuff: despite all your efforts, you were delivered straight to Valmont’s doorstep. Would things have been different if this hadn’t hit you? You’ll never know.

S09E30 Tranquiliser Canister


Hey Five, if you’re reading this note, it means you’re doing a great job!

I know that nothing about these past few days has been easy. Running around with a panacea in your blood being hounded by everything Red Scorpion has to throw at us? Yeah, it’s a nightmare, but we’re doing the right thing. And we’re gonna get through this, because we always do, right?

So if you’re feeling down, and like all hope is lost, just know that I believe in you. We ALL believe in you.

Sam x

P.S. I hope you don’t mind, but I snuck this into your bag with a couple of Curly Wurlys before we set off for the station. I know the Curly Wurlys are probably a bit melty at this point, but when has that ever stopped us?

S09E30 Letter


The following supplies can be found in this mission.

(List may be incomplete.)

9mm Ammo 9mm Ammo
Bandages Bandages
Batteries Batteries
Book Book
Boots Boots
Bottled Water Bottled Water
Box of Lightbulbs Box of Lightbulbs
Cricket bat Cricket bat
Cutlery Cutlery
Deoderant Deodorant
Fuel Can Fuel Can
Hammer Hammer
Lock pick Lock pick
Mobile Phone Mobile Phone
Network Cable Network Cable
Notebook Notebook
Pain Meds Pain Meds
Paint Paint
Penknife Penknife
Playing cards Playing cards
Pot plant Pot plant
Power Cable Power Cable
Radio Radio
Rope Rope
Sewing Kit Sewing Kit
Shirt Shirt
Shorts Shorts
Sleeping bag Sleeping bag
Sports Bra Sports Bra
Tampons Tampons
Tennis racket Tennis racket
Tent Tent
Tinned Food Tinned Food
Trousers Trousers
Underwear Underwear
Vitamins Vitamins

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