The Blackpool Rollercoasters are twice UK Roller Derby champs.
Early Apocalypse[]
The Blackpool Rollercoasters were on their way to an exhibition bout when the outbreak happened. They ended up getting stranded in London by the zombies.[1]
Season Three[]
The Blackpool Rollercoasters eventually find their way to Buckingham Palace, where they become King Jamie's guard after his previous guards were all mind-controlled by Moonchild. Because the Rollercoasters never drank CeretinPlus, they are immune to mind control.[1]
The Rollercoasters find that their roller derby skills work very well for taking on zombies. But after Karen Feeding is bitten on the shoulder by one, they realize their shoulders are the easiest target for the zoms. To compensate for that, they find some American footballer shoulder pads to wear as a sort of armour.[1]
Alice stumbles upon a horde of zombies in the wine cellar, which break free and spread throughout the palace. While trying to clear them out, the Rollercoasters end up helping Runner Five and Maxine Myers escape from the zombified Queen's Guard outside. The Rollercoasters recognize Five and Maxine from what Jamie has said about them, and guide them through the palace to meet up with him. Maxine teaches the Rollercoasters how to use the McShell maneuver, which they use to lure the zombies out of the palace grounds and close the gates on them.[1]
After Moonchild is defeated, Alice invites Runner Five to join Jamie's Rollerguard, but Five turns down the offer. Alice says the offer is always open if they ever change their mind.[2]
Season Five[]
Season Seven[]
- Alice Aforethought (Captain)
- Verta
- Natasha Crasher
- Over Dalimit
- Boots Walking
- Modesty Bruised
- Dyna Disorderly
- Monica Keltwhistle
- Marsha Drilling
- Marcella Patella
- Karen Feeding (deceased)
- Nicki (deceased)