Atwood Macmullin Boyd is Abel Township's Runner 19.
Season Two[]
Atwood participates in the memorial service for Runners Five, Six, Ten, and Seventeen in the Forest of Fallen Runners. The ceremony is interrupted by the early arrival of a ship carrying essential fuel, so Atwood and the other runners head off to help unload it.[1]
Atwood is out testing Maxine's anti-zombie spray when bandits invade Abel.[2]
Atwood goes out on a canned food run with Runners Two and Sixteen.[3]
While Atwood is out on a fuel run, a bus full of zombies bursts open and floods the street. Thinking quickly, Atwood throws his noisemaker into a nearby car and releases the handbrake, sending it rolling into the swarm. It takes out a significant number of the zombies and lures the rest away, giving Atwood the chance to escape. Back at Abel, Janine criticizes him for losing a noisemaker, but Major de Santa reminds her that Atwood's life - as well as the six cans of fuel he brought back - are much more valuable.[4]
At Abel Township's party celebrating the defeat of Van Ark, Atwood is one of the people who falls victim to the sudden mind control tones and marches out of the settlement.[5]
The Home Front[]
- Atwood's stats from The Runner's Guide are as follows:
- Number: 19
- Name: Atwood Macmullin Boyd
- Missions: 28
- Kills: 63
- Status: Active
- Notes: Helo Pilot, Survival
- Atwood is allergic to nuts.[6]
- ↑ Season 2 Mission 25: Con Te Partiro
- ↑ Season 2 Mission 30: Panic
Janine de Luca: "[...] and all our other runners are out conducting trials for Doctor Myers." - ↑ Season 2 Side Mission 11: Zombies, Stretch!
- ↑ Season 2 Radio Mode: "Atwood Macmullin Boyd"
- ↑ Season 2 Mission 44: Something Good, 08
Sam Yao: "Look, Runner Thirteen’s standing stock-still, too, like Maxine. And Runner Nineteen, and Ed. They all dropped their glasses at the same moment!" - ↑ Season 6 Mission 24: Mother's Little Helper
Zoe Crick: "I’m not telling you who I’m dating, Phil."
Paula Cohen: "It’s not Runner Nineteen, is it? He seems like your sort."
Phil Cheeseman: "Oh, yeah, he really does."
Zoe Crick: "He’s allergic to nuts."