Zombies, Run! Wiki

Season 11 has begun! Travel further than ever before in search of a mysterious item left behind by old foes.


Zombies, Run! Wiki

Adam is Abel Township's Runner 17.



Adam worked at a bar with Owen Landis.[1]

Season Two[]

Adam participates in the memorial service for Runners Five, Six, Ten, and Seventeen in the Forest of Fallen Runners. Adam is also officially designated as the new Runner Seventeen at this time. The ceremony is interrupted by the early arrival of a ship carrying essential fuel, so Adam and the other runners head off to help unload it.[1]

Adam is out testing Maxine's anti-zombie spray when bandits invade Abel.[2]

Adam finds some woks in a lock-up garage.[3]

Season Three[]

Adam and Runner Sixteen build an observation platform around the plot of blue flowers that Abel Township is growing. The platform is quite unstable though, and ends up collapsing under Paula.[4]

Season Five[]

Adam manages to escape from the Ministry-controlled Abel in the chaos caused by Runner Five's team, and joins up with the other escaped runners.[5]

Adam, Runner Two, and Runner Twenty-one siphon off fuel from the Minister's fuel dump while Runner Five, Jody, and Peter distract her soldiers.[6]

The Home Front[]

Season Seven[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Season 2 Mission 25: Con Te Partiro
  2. Season 2 Mission 30: Panic
    Janine de Luca: "[...] and all our other runners are out conducting trials for Doctor Myers."
  3. Season 2 Halloween Mission 3: Wai Chu Xiao Xin
  4. Season 3 Mission 27: Blue
  5. Season 5 Mission 3: Thorn in My Side
  6. Season 5 Mission 6: Changes