Reach your story and running goals
Achievements provide a way of tracking your progress and give you incentives along the way. Also they are really fun!
The achievements were removed following the release of Season 4 and re-introduced later. The list below details those currently available, and an archive of the list as it existed before Season 4
Achievement | Description | Achieved By |
And so it begins | Welcome to Abel, Runner 5. You've completed the first mission, but don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from. | Complete one mission in the Zombies, Run! app storyline |
Baby steps | Five missions completed. Nice work! Keep it up. | Complete 5 missions in the Zombies, Run! app storyline |
Are fitness apps allowed to give this many feels? | You're getting the hang of this! Over half way through Season one and you've probably had your heart broken at least once by now. Keep going, the apocalypse may be grim but there's got to be some light at the end of the tunnel. | Complete more than half the missions on Season 1 of the Zombies, Run! app. |
So, that happened | Congratulations, you've reached the end of Season one! Time to step it up and move on to Season 2... | Complete Season 1 of the Zombies, Run! app |
Give me your tired... | There are now over 100 residents within the walls of Abel Township. That's 100 fewer people wandering the zombie wastelands, waiting to become undead dinner. | House at least 100 people at Abel |
...your poor... | Abel Township has swelled to accommodate over 350 souls. This is quite a community you've got going here. Hopefully there's enough food and beds to go around... | House at least 350 people at Abel |
..your huddled masses. | Over 600 people now inhabit Abel Township. 600 humans with stories and feelings and an intense desire not to be gnawed on by the living dead. 600 bodies just happy to be alive. And it’s all down you you. You done good. | House at least 600 people at Abel |
But oh, those summer nights | You’ve build a library, a paddling pool and a concert area. Perfect for those balmy summer Abel evenings. What could be better than a bit of culture and a pair of wet feet when the sun is shining? | Build a library, a paddling pool and a concert area |
Speed racer | You have reached the end of all of the race missions. That’s 70km of running! Nicely done. | Complete all of the race missions |
Archived Achievements Listing[]
This list shows the achievements that could be obtained before the release of Season 4. They may or may not be re-introduced later
Expand to see contents
Achievement | Description | Achieved By |
Missions | ||
Reporting For Duty | Congratulations, you've completed Zombies, Run! 5k Training! Your Runner training is complete and you're ready to begin your duties in Zombies, Run! | Complete Zombies, Run! 5K Training |
Deja Vu | Haven't I heard this somewhere before? You've played mission one in both the Zombies, Run! app and the Zombies, Run! 5k Training app. | Complete Mission 1 in both the Zombies, Run! app, and the 5K Training app (they're both (almost) the same mission) |
And so it begins | Welcome to Abel, Runner 5. You've completed the first mission, but don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from. | Complete one mission in the Zombies, Run! app storyline. |
Baby steps | Five missions completed. Nice work! Keep it up. | Complete 5 missions in the Zombies, Run! app storyline |
Well earned rest | We know how it is. Sometimes life gets in the way of running from zombies. Taking a break can be hugely beneficial. You stopped playing Zombies, Run! for at least a month, but we’re glad to see you’ve returned. Now get out there! The people of Abel need you. | Don't run any missions for at least 30 days |
Are fitness apps allowed to give this many feels? | You're getting the hang of this! Over half way through Season one and you've probably had your heart broken at least once by now. Keep going, the apocalypse may be grim but there's got to be some light at the end of the tunnel. | Complete more than half the missions on Season 1 of the Zombies, Run! app. |
So, that happened | Congratulations, you've reached the end of Season one! Time to step it up and move on to Season 2... | Complete Season 1 of the Zombies, Run! app |
Tenacious | Ten Season 2 missions completed! You have made a great start, but there's plenty more out there. Keep running! | Complete 10 missions from Season 2 of the Zombies, Run! app |
20-20 vision | Another ten Season 2 missions down! But you're still only scratching the surface; this is a marathon, not a sprint. | Complete 20 missions from Season 2 of the Zombies, Run! app |
No turning back now | That’s thirty Season 2 missions you’ve completed. Good job! You’re about half way, so keep up the pace! | Complete 30 missions from Season 2 of the Zombies, Run! app |
Life begins | Completing forty Season two missions is pretty impressive. Kudos! You’re on the home stretch, now. | Complete 40 missions from Season 2 of the Zombies, Run! app |
Can I stop running yet? | Very impressive! Completing fifty Season two missions is no mean feat. You’re almost done with with the Season two story. Just a little further to go. | Complete 50 missions from Season 2 of the Zombies, Run! app |
Stop Running, Runner 5 | You have completed Season two of Zombies, Run! Congratulations! Now see if you can mop up the rest of the achievements in preparation for Season three. | Complete Season 2 of the Zombies, Run! app |
Speed racer | You have reached the end of all of the race missions. That’s 70km of running! Nicely done. | Complete all of the race missions. |
Philomath | You’ve unlocked every available Codex entry. Which means you’ve met every character, collected every type of supply and built every building. Looks like you’re all set for Season three... | Unlock every codex entry (by finding every type of supply) |
Stay safe out there | Jack and Eugene are so proud of you. You have stuck with them and listened to every one of their broadcasts. How does it feel knowing you’re their biggest fan? | Listen to all of the Radio Mode clips, including conditional clips, which will only trigger on certain days or at certain times |
Zombies Escaped | ||
Apprentice zombie escapologist | You've avoided your first zombie chase. That wasn't so hard, was it? | Evade 1 zombie |
Adept zombie escapologist | Fifteen zombies have tried to chase you down and failed. Keep it up! | Evade 15 zombies |
Master zombie escapologist | Those zombies just can’t catch a break. Or, as it turns out, you. That’s 50 packs of zombies outrun so far. | Evade 50 zombies |
How are you still alive? | You’ve been caught by zombies 25 times. This achievement is more for your tenacious survivalism than your inability to outrun zombies. Congratulations on not being eaten! | Be caught by 25 zombies |
Untouchable | What’s that speck on the horizon behind you? Oh, it’s a zombie. You’ve probably forgotten what they look like by now, you’ve outrun so many. That’s 200 packs of zombies you’ve just outrun. | Evade 200 zombies |
Distance | ||
Weekly 10k | 10k in one week is a good achievement for a beginner runner. You're well on your way to greater and more exciting milestones, so keep it up! | Run at least 10K in one week |
Off the couch | Sic parvis magna. Greatness from small beginnings. This 5k you just ran may feel like a huge accomplishment now, but one day you'll look back on it, having completed your first 10k, half-marathon or marathon and see it for what it truly is. The first step to future greatness. Onwards! | Run at least 5K in one run. |
Getting good at this | Running a 10k without stopping is a great achievement, so congratulations! It takes stamina, willpower and determination to get through that wall and push yourself to keep going. Have you thought about a half-marathon next? | Run at least 10K in one run. |
Weekly 25k | Well done. Over the course of this week you have run a half marathon - and then some! Think you can improve your weekly distance beyond 25k? Worth a shot! | Run at least 25K in one week |
Half marathon runner | You just ran 21.1km in a single run. That may seem oddly specific, but it's actually the length of a half marathon. So congratulations, you just ran a half marathon! You're getting pretty good at this running lark. | Run at least 21.1K (Half Marathon distance) in one run. |
Weekly 60k | Very impressive! 60k in one week is quite an achievement, so congratulations! How long can you keep that up for..? | Run at least 60K in one week. |
Ultramarathon runner | Alright, show off. You just ran 50km. That’s more than a full marathon, making you an official ultramarathon runner. And it’s all down to Zombies, Run! Right..? | Run 50K in one run |
The big fifteen-oh | You've run for a total of 150km. This is a great achievement! It's also the distance between London and Badminton, as the crow flies. We're pretty sure Badminton doesn't have an airport, so this information is largely useless. But still, facts are facts. | Run a total of 150K (no time limit) |
My first ultramarathon | You have run for a total of 50km, congratulations! Anything above the 42km of a normal marathon is technically an ultramarathon. Sure, you're meant to do them all in one go, but you've made a great first step towards that, at least. | Run a total of 50K |
Weekly 100k | 100km in one week. Just shy of 14.3k per day. That’s crazy. You’re crazy. Congratulations on accomplishing what should prove to be one of Zombies, Run!’s least-achieved achievements. | Run 100K in a week |
I would walk 500... kilometers | The Pretenders seemed pretty keen to go for a 500km walk, but how about a 500km run? Doubtful. You've got the one-up on them in that respect. 500km is a very long way, you should be very proud. | Run at least 500K (no time limit) |
One million meters | You have run a total of 1,000,000m (1000km). One million meters. That’s amazing! When’s the last time you did one million anythings? | Run a total of 1,000,000 metres (1000K) |
Running Time | ||
Breaking in your running shoes | You're off to a good start! 12 hours is a commendable total running time, but we think you can do better. Keep it up! | Run a total of 12 hours |
28 hours later | A total running time of 28 hours. Sure, we could have set this achievement to pop at 24 hours, but then we couldn't make a Danny Boyle movie reference. And where's the fun in that? | Run a total of 28 hours |
Long weekend | 72 hours of running. That's a long weekend's worth. You could have spent that time flying to hotter climes or taking a relaxing trip to the countryside. But no. You decided to run. Good for you. | Run for a total of 72 hours |
It's been one week since you looked at me | You’ve racked up a total of one whole week of running. That’s 168 hours. Or 10,080 minutes. At an average pace, you could run from Rome to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, in that time. We don’t recommend it, though. | Run for a total of 7 days (168 hours) |
Running Pace | ||
Runner 10 | Good start. You've run a mile in under 10 minutes. With more running you'll keep improving that pace and get your stamina up! | Run a mile in 10 minutes or less. |
Pace yourself | You've improved your running pace consistently for three consecutive runs. It's great to see you improving so quickly! | Do three runs where your average pace gets less (i.e. gets better) on each run |
Runner 8 | An eight minute mile is a solid achievement, well done! | Run a mile in 8 minutes or less. |
Runner 5 | Truly living up to the name of Runner 5. You’ve run a mile in under 5 minutes. A great achievement. You should be very proud! | Run a mile in 5 minutes or less. |
Running Frequency | ||
Regular runner | Getting into the habit of running three times a week can be hugely beneficial, for many reasons. Not least of which being that you'll be able to keep up with the weekly Zombies, Run! mission releases. | Run at least 3 times a week. |
Every day ending in 'y' | A whole week of daily running. Nice work. Are you training for something? If not, maybe you should consider it... | Run every day of the week (any 7 consecutive days) |
A month of rundays | You’ve gone for a run every day for a whole month. Congratulations, that’s true dedication! Might be time to consider having a rest day soon, however. Before you do yourself an injury. | Run every day for a month (any 30 consecutive days) |
Supplies Collected | ||
Apprentice hoarder | 100 supplies. Nice work. The people of Abel thank you for your supply-gathering prowess. And for not getting eaten on the way home. | Collect at least 100 supplies |
Weekly shopping list | Congratulations on finding 50 supplies to bring back to Abel this week. With your eye for useful litter, the Township will be in good hands. | Collect at least 50 supplies in one week |
Adept hoarder | You've collected 500 supplies. Careful, now. The people of Abel are starting to rely on you for their daily bread. If you were to get eaten by zoms now a lot of people would be left in quite a pickle. | Collect at least 500 supplies |
Monster of the week | You’ve found 150 supplies this week, which is above and beyond the call of duty. Abel is expanding at an exponential rate because of your sterling work. Where do you find it all? | Collect at least 150 supplies in one week |
Flavour of the week | 500 item pick ups in one week. Impressive job! Your tireless work for the good of Abel hasn’t gone unnoticed and some residents of the Township have taken to calling you the Trash Collector. Though not to your face, of course. | Collect at least 500 supplies in one week |
Master hoarder | 2000 supplies is impressive work. You know there are other Runners at Abel, right? You might want to leave them something to pick up on their missions, too. | Collect at least 2000 supplies |
Clinically diagnosed hoarding problem | You’ve collected five thousand supplies, single handedly feeding and clothing the entirety of Abel (and a good percentage of New Canton) for the foreseeable future. Maybe one day you’ll figure out who’s dropping all of these sports bras... | Collect at least 5000 supplies |
Bra Hero | Where are all of these sports bras coming from? The female Runners of Abel thank you for collecting them. Especially since they never seem to come across any themselves. You’re getting a reputation as the go-to Runner for sports bras. For better or worse. | Collect at least 100 Sports Bras |
Abel Township | ||
Apprentice carpenter | You've upgraded a building! Not an easy thing, considering Janine's rather strict building codes. Watch out for splinters. | Upgrade a building |
Give me your tired... | There are now over 100 residents within the walls of Abel Township. That's 100 fewer people wandering the zombie wastelands, waiting to become undead dinner. | House at least 100 people at Abel |
Adept carpenter | You've upgraded every building at least once and Abel is starting to look more like a bustling city than an island amid a sea of undead marauders. | Build every primary building and Upgrade each of them at least once. (Primary buildings are anything larger then 1x1) |
But oh, those summer nights | You’ve build a library, a paddling pool and a concert area. Perfect for those balmy summer Abel evenings. What could be better than a bit of culture and a pair of wet feet when the sun is shining? | Build a library, a paddling pool and a concert area |
...your poor... | Abel Township has swelled to accommodate over 350 souls. This is quite a community you've got going here. Hopefully there's enough food and beds to go around... | House at least 350 people at Abel |
Happy chappies | Morale in Abel Township is at 100%! The residents literally couldn't be happier. And it's all down to you. Runner 5, the ultimate morale booster. | Get morale to 100% at Abel |
Defence against the dark arts | You’ve raised the defence level of Abel Township to the highest it can go! The people of Abel are safe from the zombie horde. For the time being, at least. | Get defense to 100% at Abel |
The beating heart of Abel | You’ve fully upgraded Janine’s farmhouse. In fact, you’ve put so much blood, sweat and tears into remodelling the place (including that adorable new kitchen island) it’s probably more yours than hers at this point. Ah, no. Janine says the farmhouse is still definitely, definitely hers. | Fully upgrade Janine's Farmhouse and add all add-ons. |
Healthy body, healthy mind | The hospital is fully upgraded! Dr Myers is ecstatic, as are the frailer residents of Abel Township. A well established medical center is the most important part of any post-apocalyptic settlement, so good job. | Fully upgrade hospital and add all add-ons. |
Bigger chicken coops mean... bigger chickens? | You’ve fully upgraded a farm! Bigger and better farms mean more food and, with the Township growing at the rate it is, there’s no such thing as too much. A self-sufficient Abel is a happy Abel. | Fully upgrade a Farm and add all add-ons. |
More than just four walls and a roof | Housing has been fully upgraded! The days of camping under the stars are long gone. Which is good, because residents were complaining about about being bitten in the night. Not by zombies, but by vampires. Well, mosquitos are kind of like vampires, right? | Fully upgrade a Housing unit and add all add-ons. |
The ball's in your court | You have fully upgraded recreation! Not only are there now multiple balls of varying sizes and colours with which to play, but there are even different nets, goals and rackets, to truly take advantage of them. All that’s missing is a croquet set. One day... | Fully upgrade a Playground including all add-ons. |
There's always room for more guns | The armoury has been fully upgraded! Now there’s more than enough space for all the weapons you’ve been bringing back from your missions. Yes, even that bazooka. Especially that bazooka. | Fully upgrade the Armoury including add-ons. |
The best defence is a good tower | You’ve fully upgraded the defence tower! This is your first line of defence against the encroaching zombie horde, so it’s vital that it’s at its best. It’s definitely taller than it was and those spikes at the base are a great touch. And are those... battlements? | Fully upgrade the Defence Tower including all add-ons. |
Trains aren't the only things that run on tracks | You've fully upgraded the Training Area! There's now room for almost every Runner in Abel to train all at the same time. Which means more training for everyone. You may want to avoid the other Runners for a bit. Just in case they want to, er, 'thank' you. | Fully upgrade a Training Area and add all add-ons. |
All shacked up | The communications shack has been fully upgraded! You've never seen Sam this happy. He's been in there all week, testing out all the upgraded equipment with the unbridled joy of a puppy with a new shoe. | Fully upgrade Communications and add all add-ons. |
With amenities like these, who needs friends? | You’ve built one of every amenity in the game. Which means you’ve completed every side mission in the game, saved up enough materials and supplies and expanded the walls of your base to accommodate them all. That’s a lot of running. Your Abel Township must look awesome right now. | Have one of every amenity. (Amenities are 1x1 buildings) |
Master carpenter | Abel Township. A post-apocalyptic utopia. Sanctuary of the living. Humanity’s last stand. And it’s all thanks to you. You’ve built and fully upgraded one of every building available. For now, at least... | Build every primary building and fully Upgrade each of them. (Primary buildings are anything larger then 1x1) |
..your huddled masses. | Over 600 people now inhabit Abel Township. 600 humans with stories and feelings and an intense desire not to be gnawed on by the living dead. 600 bodies just happy to be alive. And it’s all down to you. You done good. | House at least 600 people at Abel |
Music | ||
Earworm | Just can’t get that song out of your head? You’ve been listening to it for ten runs in a row. Might be time to shake up your playlist a bit. | Listen to the same song for 10 runs in a row. |